
Unable to stream LD-JSON (invalid character parse error on Windows/PowerShell)

ev-dev opened this issue · 2 comments

ev-dev commented

Hey, new to trying out fx and I'm running into an issue trying to stream any line-delimited JSON when piping thru stdin to fx.

For some reason (likely specific to my OS/filesystem/terminal/shell/encoding/somethingidk), I can only read/interact with line-delimited JSON files by specifying the file path in fx's arguments.

Any attempt to stream/pipe the same file's content into fx, will throw the same repeated parse error about an invalid character:


I vaguely remember running into a similar issue a while ago with jq but I've since done something to remediate that problem because I can successfully pipe the same file into jq now 🤷

I can only speculate possible causes, but Windows folks trying to interop with unix-focused tools sometimes get snagged by:

  • BOM stuff
  • UTF8/ascii encoding stuff
  • file LF/CRLF line ending stuff
  • font support stuff
  • Windows haters (all MSFT haters :P)

Anyway, thought I'd see if anyone else had encountered this issue before I bang my head against the wall troubleshooting

I’d like to fix it, but I don’t know what is causing the issue. 😛
