
Bring back gradiant themes?

cindy opened this issue · 1 comments

During a recent upgrade, I noticed some of the themes were gone. Was there a reason for removing them in 907e68d?

Gradient themes are more difficult to support. And them also have to be implemented in js code here:


Lines 618 to 633 in 1952074

function themes(id) {
const themes = {
'0': ['', '', '', '', '', ''],
'1': ['', '1;34', '32', '36', '35', '38;5;243'],
'2': ['', '32', '34', '36', '35', '38;5;243'],
'3': ['', '95', '93', '96', '31', '38;5;243'],
'4': ['', '38;5;50', '38;5;39', '38;5;98', '38;5;205', '38;5;243'],
'5': ['', '38;5;230', '38;5;221', '38;5;209', '38;5;209', '38;5;243'],
'6': ['', '38;5;69', '38;5;78', '38;5;221', '38;5;203', '38;5;243'],
'7': ['', '1;38;5;42', '1;38;5;213', '1;38;5;201', '1;38;5;201', '38;5;243'],
'8': ['', '1;38;5;51', '38;5;195', '38;5;123', '38;5;50', '38;5;243'],
'🔵': ['1;38;5;33', '38;5;33', '', '', '', ''],
'🥝': ['38;5;179', '1;38;5;154', '38;5;82', '38;5;226', '38;5;226', '38;5;230'],
return themes[id] || themes['1']