
What magic is under the hood instead of virtual-dom?

davojan opened this issue ยท 7 comments

How the engine detects what DOM should be changed on update without virtual-dom?

Why do you need Virtual DOM?


I'm going to write an article about how Monkberry works in next month. Will explain all there. Short answer is what templates compiled from this:

    <h1>{{ title }}</h1>

To something like this:

function (state) {
  h1.textContent = state.title;

And some king of "virtual dom" used on top/component level.

@Elfet did you complete your article? Wanna read :)

@fliptheweb i'm always gonna to, but can not find time now :(

@antonmedv did you finish the article? I'm really want to know the keys of monkberry.

@lijinpeng7364 nope, sorry. A lot of work)

@antonmedv ok, hope someday you can finish it.