
Recursive Component

bronter opened this issue · 2 comments

How do I make a component that renders itself recursively?
For example (albeit not a very practical one), suppose I wanted to make a component that just makes a mountain of divs that is count levels deep:

  {% if count > 0 %}
    <ThisComponent count={{ count - 1 }} />
  {% else %}
    {{ count }}
  {% endif %}

Which if I updated it with count=3, would give something like this:


I can't seem to figure out any way to reference a component inside itself, so how do I make a recursive component like this?

You can import self component.

Figured it out, I just didn't know multiple custom components could be defined per-file, so:

    {% if count > 0 %}
      <Test count={{ count - 1 }} />
    {% else %}
      {{ count }}
    {% endif %}

<Test count={{ 3 }} />

Seems to work