
Typescript definitions?

Opened this issue · 6 comments

TypeScript Definition Manager

Would be very helpful if we got Typescript Definition files for the api (not the templating/handlebars).

Okay, will do it.

What is the best way to add TSD for project?

@Elfet I think you can specify your typing definitions in package.json with the line

"typings": "./monkberry.d.ts"

How to test TSD?

This package seems to be purpose built for this:

You might also consider porting to TypeScript - in my experience, that's usually the better approach, because it guarantees correct typedefs and removes the burden of maintaining them by hand.

In addition, it hardens your codebase against errors and makes the code self-documenting for other contributors.

You're already using ES6, so basically you would just be adding type-annotations for compile-time safety - it won't affect the footprint of the generated code at all.

Inferno is another project that uses this approach.