
Feature request: Add array operations and plots

cuamckuu opened this issue · 5 comments

Might be cool to have some kind of arrays or sets and way to modify and plot them (something like numpy and matplotlib)

For example:

x = [1..10]
y = x * 5

plot(x, y)  # Line plot here

I was thinking at the beginning about creating something like this.

But for now, I decided to concentrate on currencies and dates/timezones.

And what about some kind of plugins system then? So that others will be able to add own plots, functions, currencies, etc...

Will be cool to create something like it.

I am using deck for charting / plots. It’s golang and can work as a shared lib and as wasm

you can re de to pdf and png and svg also

I think it will be simpler to add rich interactive plots to frontend side with libs like Chart.js or D3.js