
You might have a look into unshell :)

romainPrignon opened this issue · 5 comments

Take a look at google/zx ;)

My message was too succinct.
I know about zx, I use it a lot. Thanks for making it.
I just wanted to let you know that we might try to achieve the same thing with unshell or tinysh. You might find goods (or bad!) idea inside unshell if you want to have a look

Why port to deno?)

yes, but unshell is an old idea.
unshell-deno is a new attempt. In the spirit of tinysh.

I choose deno because:

  • it can be easily port to node
  • there is no need to import the library (unshell) before using it. Like doing a curl | bash or runner remote script in zx. Everything can be "on the fly".
  • deno gives better guarantees with the --allow-run --allow-env to control what's being run