
NodeGroup fails to create through terraform

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Great Tutorials. On Native EKS Ingress: AWS Load Balancer Controller -112, I get the following error when deploying the terraform from Lesson 112:

Error: error waiting for EKS Node Group (eks-hackathon:private-nodes) to create: unexpected state 'CREATE_FAILED', wanted target 'ACTIVE'. last error: 1 error occurred:
* i-0399217097e46e322, i-09b603f126c569571: NodeCreationFailure: Instances failed to join the kubernetes cluster

I can verify in the AWS console that the NodeGroup is not healthy. Running the AWSSupport-TroubleshootEKSWorkerNode tool, everything comes back success.

Any ideas?

I solved this by enabling DNS hostnames on the VPC through the AWS dashboard, and re-applying the NodeGroup. Terraform:

`resource "aws_vpc" "main" {
cidr_block = ""

enable_dns_hostnames = true

tags = {
Name = "main"

Thank you! Just updated - #119