
Fail to deploy mongodb on eks

motizzz opened this issue · 1 comments

when trying to deploy mongodb on eks cluster im getting the following error:
Warning FailedCreate 39s (x12 over 49s) statefulset-controller create Pod mongodb-0 in StatefulSet mongodb failed error: failed to create PVC datadir-mongodb-0: persistentvolumeclaims "datadir-mongodb-0" is forbidden: Internal error occurred: 2 default StorageClasses were found Warning FailedCreate 28s (x13 over 49s) statefulset-controller create Claim datadir-mongodb-0 for Pod mongodb-0 in StatefulSet mongodb failed error: persistentvolumeclaims "datadir-mongodb-0" is forbidden: Internal error occurred: 2 default StorageClasses were found
should i try to create the storage class and pvc manually ?

my bad found the issue was in my env setup