Sunda Script is a new programming language, very modern, easy to learn, using Indonesia-slang language. No programming experience required.
Thank you for all your contributions, share, star, and everything.
Clone this repository
git clone
If you install from npm, run Sunda script using sunda
sunda example/example1.sunda
Or run from this repository
node basasunda.js example/example1.sunda
Example :
ieuteh yuswa saruajeung 21
nyetak "yuswa maneh " + yuswa
lamun yuswa leuwih gede 20
nyetak "Maneh Kolot"
ieuteh yuswaurang saruajeung yuswa + 10
nyetak "lamun urang yuswa " + yuswaurang
lamun yuswaurang leuwih gede 30
nyetak "urang leuwih kolot"
nyetak "dasar bocil"
nyetak "cekap ah"
diulang nomor neupika 100
lamun nomor henteu 0
ieuteh hasil saruajeung ""
nyaeta fizz saruajeung nomor % 3
nyaeta buzz saruajeung nomor % 5
lamun fizz saruajeung 0
mangrupa hasil saruajeung hasil + "fizz"
lamun buzz saruajeung 0
mangrupa hasil saruajeung hasil + "buzz"
lamun hasil saruajeung ""
mangrupa hasil saruajeung nomor
nyetak hasil
Some command just like javascript, the only different is keyword and this language will translate to javascript and run as javascript. I know, this is just for fun.
This project just for fun, I don't want to hurt anyone. Just from idea "what if Sunda language is a programming language" and make it true. This project only for education purpose, not for production ready.
Some cool project from you, submit your project like highlight text, Sunda-to-js, etc. Make PR link to your repo !. Don't limit your creativity