
GitHub Stats and Languages Card Not Updating

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

When I hide certain programming languages in my GitHub README using the hide parameter, the displayed percentages for the remaining languages do not accurately reflect their contributions. For example, hiding Jupyter Notebook inflates the percentage of HTML disproportionately.

I have noticed that the language statistics do not update correctly when specific languages are hidden. This can lead to misleading representations of my programming skills and contributions.

Expected behavior

  • Expected Behavior: The stats and languages card should reflect my most recent contributions and the programming languages used. The percentages should be recalculated accurately based on the visible languages only.

Screenshots / Live demo link


Additional context

  • Username: tarunganesh2004

  • Steps to reproduce:

    1. Add a language card to my README with multiple languages.
    2. Use the hide parameter to hide one or more languages.
    3. Observe the changes in the percentages of the remaining languages.
  • Observed Behavior: The remaining languages percentages do not accurately reflect their contributions based on the code in the repository.

I can take a look at this. Assign it to me