Roadmaps and to-do lists
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marshtompsxd commented
- Have a Zookeeper controller implementation that supports creation and update (e.g., scaling, reconfiguration) and verify its liveness by 08/01/2023
- Have a Rabbitmq controller implementation that supports creation and update and verify its liveness by 09/01/2023
- Support non-k8s API calls in controller implementations by 9/01/2023
- Implement scale-down operation (which requires non-k8s API) for the Zookeeper controller 9/01/2023
- Prove liveness with non-k8s API for the Zookeeper controller 9/15/2023
- Specify the k8s garbage collector (a built-in controller) 9/01/2023
- Have a Fluent verified controller implementation by 9/01/2023
- Support multiple reconcile loops by 10/01/2023
- Implement multiple reconcile loops for the Fluent controller 10/15/2023
- API and experience sharing for gradual verification 10/15/2023
- Specify and prove isolation-related safety properties
- Verify deletion operations for one controller
- Test verified controllers using SOTA testing tools
- A study on the prevalent bugs in controllers
- A study on the common features in controllers
- Specify more built-in controllers (e.g., stateful set, deployment)
Concrete to-dos
- Make from_dynamic_object return Result and handle error cases (Major)
- Make to_dynamic_object return Result and handle error cases (Medium)
- Implement update operations for the Zookeepr controller (Major)
- Refactor DynamicObjectView to split spec and status data (Major)
- Try out StatefulSetPersistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy (Major)
- Refactor update handling logic to avoid increasing rv if the object remains unchanged (Medium)
- Make the spec reconciler a trait with safety and liveness proof obligations (Medium)
- Support owner_reference (Major)
- Support uid (Major)
- Split the tla rules into multiple files (Medium)
- Merge the schedule_controller_reconcile action and the run_scheduled_reconcile action (Medium)
- Remove overly designed abbreviation methods in the top-level state machine and proof (Medium)
- Refactor Anvil built-in lemmas to parameterize them with
(Medium) - Support cluster-scoped resources (Medium)
- Merge e2e tests into CI (Medium)
- Update the docs (Minor)
... and many more