
Messaging documentation: "From anywhere in your app" does not adequately describe the scope.

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
Messaging documentation: "From anywhere in your app" does not adequately describe the limits of the messages' reach, or scope. I'm fairly sure that the scope of messages from one Publisher is limited to the one Client instance where the Publisher is running. But the phrase has been read as meaning across all instances, Server and Client alike, everywhere:

“Editing” flag with multiple users accessing the same data

To me, "anywhere" seems overly broad, so it's probably a bug in the documentation. However, I have not used this sub-library, so I could be very wrong about the actual scope.

There's certainly room for debate about whether this qualifies as a literal bug. However, the ability to interpret "anywhere" in multiple ways is probably not a good thing. Surely, there are clear limits. Let's make them explicit.

Expected behavior

  1. A clear and concise description of precisely how far a Publisher's messages will go.
  2. Elimination of the overly-broad "anywhere" phrase, in favor of the above.

We'd be happy to review a PR from you if you feel strongly about this one.

I'm strongly considering it. Just attempting the process would be a good education for me.

But to make it worthwhile for you, I'd also want to be sure I understand the actual scope correctly! It doesn't help you if I misrepresent the facts. That means either a quick description from you, or I dig into the source code to work it out for myself. Either is fine.