Funny charc in mean values
Opened this issue · 3 comments
GoogleCodeExporter commented
Sometimes i get funny characters in the model:
digraph G {
0 -> 0 [label=0.5];
0 -> 6 [label=0.5];
1 -> 6 [label=1];
2 -> 1 [label=0.1];
2 -> 2 [label=0.3];
2 -> 4 [label=0.1];
2 -> 6 [label=0.3];
2 -> 8 [label=0.1];
2 -> 9 [label=0.1];
3 -> 2 [label=1];
4 -> 2 [label=0.09];
4 -> 4 [label=0.27];
4 -> 6 [label=0.09];
4 -> 7 [label=0.45];
4 -> 12 [label=0.09];
5 -> 5 [label=0.43];
5 -> 6 [label=0.57];
6 -> 0 [label=0.11];
6 -> 2 [label=0.11];
6 -> 3 [label=0.06];
6 -> 4 [label=0.11];
6 -> 5 [label=0.11];
6 -> 6 [label=0.39];
6 -> 7 [label=0.06];
6 -> 11 [label=0.06];
7 -> 4 [label=0.12];
7 -> 6 [label=0.06];
7 -> 7 [label=0.41];
7 -> 8 [label=0.18];
7 -> 9 [label=0.06];
7 -> 12 [label=0.18];
8 -> 2 [label=0.12];
8 -> 5 [label=0.25];
8 -> 7 [label=0.12];
8 -> 8 [label=0.12];
8 -> 9 [label=0.12];
8 -> 12 [label=0.25];
9 -> 7 [label=0.25];
9 -> 9 [label=0.25];
9 -> 10 [label=0.5];
10 -> 10 [label=1];
11 -> 1 [label=1];
12 -> 4 [label=0.15];
12 -> 7 [label=0.08];
12 -> 8 [label=0.23];
12 -> 10 [label=0.08];
12 -> 12 [label=0.46];
0 [shape=circle, label="0 - [ Multi-variate Gaussian distribution --- Mean: [ � � � � � � � � � ] ]"];
1 [shape=circle, label="1 - [ Multi-variate Gaussian distribution --- Mean: [ � � � � � � � � � ] ]"];
2 [shape=circle, label="2 - [ Multi-variate Gaussian distribution --- Mean: [ � � � � � � � � � ] ]"];
3 [shape=circle, label="3 - [ Multi-variate Gaussian distribution --- Mean: [ � � � � � � � � � ] ]"];
4 [shape=circle, label="4 - [ Multi-variate Gaussian distribution --- Mean: [ � � � � � � � � � ] ]"];
5 [shape=circle, label="5 - [ Multi-variate Gaussian distribution --- Mean: [ � � � � � � � � � ] ]"];
6 [shape=circle, label="6 - [ Multi-variate Gaussian distribution --- Mean: [ � � � � � � � � � ] ]"];
7 [shape=circle, label="7 - [ Multi-variate Gaussian distribution --- Mean: [ � � � � � � � � � ] ]"];
8 [shape=circle, label="8 - [ Multi-variate Gaussian distribution --- Mean: [ � � � � � � � � � ] ]"];
9 [shape=circle, label="9 - [ Multi-variate Gaussian distribution --- Mean: [ � � � � � � � � � ] ]"];
10 [shape=circle, label="10 - [ Multi-variate Gaussian distribution --- Mean: [ � � � � � � � � � ] ]"];
11 [shape=circle, label="11 - [ Multi-variate Gaussian distribution --- Mean: [ � � � � � � � � � ] ]"];
12 [shape=circle, label="12 - [ Multi-variate Gaussian distribution --- Mean: [ � � � � � � � � � ] ]"];
what could be the reason. please help.
Original issue reported on by
on 5 Oct 2010 at 5:45
GoogleCodeExporter commented
Hey Ashutosh,
Could you find the reason for this. I too have same problem.
Original comment by
on 4 Feb 2011 at 12:53
GoogleCodeExporter commented
[deleted comment]
GoogleCodeExporter commented
before saving the hmm,simply check if the mean is NaN
OpdfMultiGaussian obsvec = (OpdfMultiGaussian) trainedHmm.getOpdf(0);
double mean[] = obsvec.mean();
if (Double.isNaN(mean[0])) {
System.out.println( " Terminating training: mean is NaN");
hope it works for you.
Original comment by
on 22 Apr 2011 at 5:14