Forget password
Opened this issue · 7 comments
Controller and model needs to written for forget password. It will can be developed by 2 controller, one for sending the forget password email, second one will verify the request and generate a random password and mail it to the user.
for controller 1, generate a random password, encrypt it, store it in csrfToken column of LoginTable and attach& send it to user by email just like email verification at the time of registration.
for controller 2, just like the script controller/verifyEmail.php verify that the request is genuine then it is same as setting a new password.
Also check if already a password change request is generated, then the new request should contain the same tokens.
@guptaaditya13 i will do this.
You can also refer to last year's code, . goto registration/forgotPassword.php
@guptaaditya13 done