
time in People

guptaaditya13 opened this issue · 3 comments

Database is not storing the correct value of time. for each request time stored in People table is 0000-00-00 00:00:00

Maybe it is caused due to wrong time format between php and Mysql.
Check is the query used in mysqli_query(...) is actually working or not.

i will be unable to test it today, sorry for that.
Just remove line 220 & remove the time parameter from the sql query.
Hopefully it will solve the problem.
The thing is it is set to current time-stamp already in the datbase.

       -- $time = time() ; // remove this line

        $sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO People(name,pId,college,sex,mobile,email,dob,city,feePaid,confirm) VALUES ('$n', $id, '$col', '$se', '$mob', '$em', '$db', '$cit', 0, 0)";

Okay, Not in hurry. Do it anytime u want. Its a minor issue.