pagination errors
carcinocron opened this issue · 1 comments
carcinocron commented
I have a model which is very simple
class Model::Channel
include Clear::Model
self.table = "channels"
column id : Int64, primary: true, presence: false
column createdby_id : Int64
column name : String
column description : String
column created_at : Time
column updated_at : Time
# paginated query
channels = Model::Channel.query.paginate(1, 15)
after this code, I can't do anything with channels.
puts channels.size
In src/
41 | require "./routes"
Error: while requiring "./routes"
In src/
10 | require "./routes/channels"
Error: while requiring "./routes/channels"
In src/routes/
12 | puts channels.size
Error: instantiating 'Model::Channel::Collection#size()'
In /usr/share/crystal/src/
1241 | count { true }
Error: instantiating 'count()'
In /usr/share/crystal/src/
243 | each { |e| count += 1 if yield e }
Error: can't use `yield` inside a proc literal or captured block
Make sure to read the whole docs section about blocks and procs,
including "Capturing blocks" and "Block forwarding":
channels.each do |c|
puts c
In src/
41 | require "./routes"
Error: while requiring "./routes"
In src/
10 | require "./routes/channels"
Error: while requiring "./routes/channels"
In src/routes/
14 | channels.each do |c|
Error: instantiating 'Model::Channel::Collection#each()'
In lib/clear/src/clear/model/
307 | o <<, hash, persisted: true, fetch_columns: fetch_columns, cache: @cache).as(T)
Error: instantiating 'Clear::Model::Factory:Module#build(String, Hash(String, Array(JSON::Any) | Array(PG::BoolArray) | Array(PG::CharArray) | Array(PG::Float32Array) | Array(PG::Float64Array) | Array(PG::Int16Array) | Array(PG::Int32Array) | Array(PG::Int64Array) | Array(PG::NumericArray) | Array(PG::StringArray) | Array(PG::TimeArray) | Bool | Char | Clear::Expression::UnsafeSql | Float32 | Float64 | Hash(String, JSON::Any) | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | Int8 | JSON::Any | PG::Geo::Box | PG::Geo::Circle | PG::Geo::Line | PG::Geo::LineSegment | PG::Geo::Path | PG::Geo::Point | PG::Geo::Polygon | PG::Numeric | Slice(UInt8) | String | Time | UInt16 | UInt32 | UInt64 | UInt8 | Nil))'
There was a problem expanding macro '__register_factory__'
Called macro defined in lib/clear/src/clear/model/modules/
30 | macro __register_factory__
Which expanded to:
> 1 |
> 2 | __default_factory__
> 3 |
> 4 |
Error: expanding macro
There was a problem expanding macro '__default_factory__'
Called macro defined in lib/clear/src/clear/model/modules/
23 | macro __default_factory__
Which expanded to:
> 1 | Clear::Model::Factory.add("Model::Channel", ::Clear::Model::Factory::SimpleFactory(Model::Channel).new)
> 2 |
Error: undefined constant Model::Channel
anykeyh commented
That's a problem I know exists and should be fixed.
Basically, you should use channels.count
or channels.to_a.size
For explanation, I've made the collection object inheriting from enumerator class, which is probably not the best idea.