
Model create not respecting schema

u89012 opened this issue · 3 comments

The following queries fine but doesn't create, could be a bug I think. Can someone please confirm?

module Products
  class Listing
    include Clear::Model
    self.schema = "products"
    self.table = "listings"

    column id : Int64, primary: true, presence: false
    column title : String?

# respects schema, works fine
Products::Listing.query.each { |a| puts a.title }

# FAILS tries insert into "listings" without the schema prefix
a = Products::Listing.create(title: "iPhone")

Yes, it's a bug.
You might trick the system by naming your table products.listings.

Thank you for confirming. That's too bad I can't do that as I'm working with a legacy database. I thought I saw references to self.schema in the code when I looked up on how to include the schema information for the model. Any chance this will be fixed soon?

You can use the v0.9 branch, this has been fixed now.