Unable to use custom converter
dukenguyenxyz opened this issue · 3 comments
I have the following example which implements custom converter.
class House
include Clear::Model
column id : Int64, primary: true, presence: false
column rooms : Hash(String, Int32), converter: "Hash(String, Int32)"
column available : Bool?
module Clear::Model::Converter::CountsConverter
def self.to_column(x) : Hash(String, Int32)?
case x
when Nil
when ::JSON::Any
x.as_h?.try do |hash|
counts = hash.transform_values &.as_i?
counts.has_value?(nil) ? nil : counts.compact
when Hash(String, Int32)
raise "Cannot convert from #{x.class} to Hash(String, Int32)"
def self.to_db(x : Hash(String, Int32)?) : Clear::SQL::Any
Clear::Model::Converter.add_converter("Hash(String, Int32)", Clear::Model::Converter::CountsConverter)
Clear::Model::Converter.add_converter("Hash(String, Int32) | Nil", Clear::Model::Converter::CountsConverter)
describe "Clear::Model::Converter", focus: true do
it "should create a new model with a field from a new converter with a new type" do
body = {
"rooms" => {
"bed" => 4,
"bath" => 3,
"kitchen" => 1,
"available" => true,
house = House.new(body)
house.rooms.should eq(body["rooms"])
house.available.should eq(true)
However the following error is thrown (here is the full stack trace)
error in line 25
Error: while requiring "./spec/model/converters/custom_converter_spec.cr"
In spec/model/converters/custom_converter_spec.cr:43:19
43 | house = House.new(body)
Error: instantiating 'House.class#new(Hash(String, Bool | Hash(String, Int32)))'
In spec/model/converters/custom_converter_spec.cr:2:3
2 | include Clear::Model
Error: expanding macro
There was a problem expanding macro 'included'
Called macro defined in src/clear/model/model.cr:45:3
45 | macro included
Which expanded to:
> 1 | # <~ Models are mutable objects;
> 2 |
> 3 | extend Clear::Model::HasHooks::ClassMethods
> 4 |
> 5 | getter cache : Clear::Model::QueryCache?
> 6 |
> 7 | def initialize
> 8 | @persisted = false
> 9 | end
> 10 |
> 11 | def initialize(h : Hash(String, _), @cache : Clear::Model::QueryCache? = nil, @persisted = false, fetch_columns = false )
> 12 | @attributes.merge!(h) if fetch_columns
> 13 |
> 14 | reset(h)
> 15 | end
> 16 |
> 17 | def initialize(json : ::JSON::Any, @cache : Clear::Model::QueryCache? = nil, @persisted = false )
> 18 | reset(json.as_h)
> 19 | end
> 20 |
> 21 | def initialize(t : NamedTuple, @persisted = false)
> 22 | reset(t)
> 23 | end
> 24 |
> 25 | # Invalidate local-to-relation cache and eager-loading cache.
> 26 | # Useful to forcefully query again when calling relation defined method
> 27 | def invalidate_caches : self
> 28 | @cache = nil
> 29 | self
> 30 | end
> 31 |
> 32 | # :nodoc:
> 33 | # This is a tricky method which is overriden by inherited models.
> 34 | #
> 35 | # The problem is usage of static array initialisation under `finalize` macro; they are initialized
> 36 | # AFTER the main code is executed, preventing it to work properly.
> 37 | #
> 38 | # The strategy here is to execute the static array initialization under a method and execute this method
> 39 | # before main.
> 40 | #
> 41 | # Then to redefine this method in the finalize block. The current behavior seems to be a crystal compiler bug
> 42 | # and should be fixed in near future.
> 43 | def self.__main_init__
> 44 | end
> 45 |
Error: instantiating 'Hash(String, Array(JSON::Any) | Array(PG::BoolArray) | Array(PG::CharArray) | Array(PG::Float32Array) | Array(PG::Float64Array) | Array(PG::Int16Array) | Array(PG::Int32Array) | Array(PG::Int64Array) | Array(PG::NumericArray) | Array(PG::StringArray) | Array(PG::TimeArray) | BigDecimal | Bool | Char | Clear::Expression::UnsafeSql | Float32 | Float64 | Hash(String, JSON::Any) | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | Int8 | JSON::Any | PG::Geo::Box | PG::Geo::Circle | PG::Geo::Line | PG::Geo::LineSegment | PG::Geo::Path | PG::Geo::Point | PG::Geo::Polygon | PG::Interval | PG::Numeric | Slice(UInt8) | String | Time | UInt16 | UInt32 | UInt64 | UInt8 | UUID | Nil)#merge!(Hash(String, Bool | Hash(String, Int32)))'
In /usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.35.1_1/src/hash.cr:1417:11
1417 | other.each do |k, v|
Error: instantiating 'Hash(String, Bool | Hash(String, Int32))#each()'
In /usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.35.1_1/src/hash.cr:1259:5
1259 | each_entry_with_index do |entry, i|
Error: instantiating 'each_entry_with_index()'
In /usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.35.1_1/src/hash.cr:1259:5
1259 | each_entry_with_index do |entry, i|
Error: instantiating 'each_entry_with_index()'
In /usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.35.1_1/src/hash.cr:1417:11
1417 | other.each do |k, v|
Error: instantiating 'Hash(String, Bool | Hash(String, Int32))#each()'
In /usr/local/Cellar/crystal/0.35.1_1/src/hash.cr:1418:11
1418 | self[k] = v
Error: no overload matches 'Hash(String, Array(JSON::Any) | Array(PG::BoolArray) | Array(PG::CharArray) | Array(PG::Float32Array) | Array(PG::Float64Array) | Array(PG::Int16Array) | Array(PG::Int32Array) | Array(PG::Int64Array) | Array(PG::NumericArray) | Array(PG::StringArray) | Array(PG::TimeArray) | BigDecimal | Bool | Char | Clear::Expression::UnsafeSql | Float32 | Float64 | Hash(String, JSON::Any) | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | Int8 | JSON::Any | PG::Geo::Box | PG::Geo::Circle | PG::Geo::Line | PG::Geo::LineSegment | PG::Geo::Path | PG::Geo::Point | PG::Geo::Polygon | PG::Interval | PG::Numeric | Slice(UInt8) | String | Time | UInt16 | UInt32 | UInt64 | UInt8 | UUID | Nil)#[]=' with types String, (Bool | Hash(String, Int32))
Overloads are:
- Hash(K, V)#[]=(key : K, value : V)
Couldn't find overloads for these types:
- Hash(String, Array(JSON::Any) | Array(PG::BoolArray) | Array(PG::CharArray) | Array(PG::Float32Array) | Array(PG::Float64Array) | Array(PG::Int16Array) | Array(PG::Int32Array) | Array(PG::Int64Array) | Array(PG::NumericArray) | Array(PG::StringArray) | Array(PG::TimeArray) | BigDecimal | Bool | Char | Clear::Expression::UnsafeSql | Float32 | Float64 | Hash(String, JSON::Any) | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | Int8 | JSON::Any | PG::Geo::Box | PG::Geo::Circle | PG::Geo::Line | PG::Geo::LineSegment | PG::Geo::Path | PG::Geo::Point | PG::Geo::Polygon | PG::Interval | PG::Numeric | Slice(UInt8) | String | Time | UInt16 | UInt32 | UInt64 | UInt8 | UUID | Nil)#[]=(key : String, value : Hash(String, Int32))
I think this error is due to Clear::SQL::Any not including the custom converter type.
Some more explication of this issue:
The custom converter as given in the example in the manual (https://clear.gitbook.io/project/model/column-types/converters) works perfectly fine (see #199)
The error above could be resolved if
Hash(String, Int32)
is added to the alias/constantClear::SQL::Any
, i.e. as in
alias Any = Array(PG::BoolArray) | Array(PG::CharArray) | Array(PG::Float32Array) |
Array(PG::Float64Array) | Array(PG::Int16Array) | Array(PG::Int32Array) |
Array(PG::Int64Array) | Array(PG::StringArray) | Array(PG::TimeArray) |
Array(PG::NumericArray) |
Bool | Char | Float32 | Float64 | Int8 | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | BigDecimal | JSON::Any | JSON::Any::Type | PG::Geo::Box | PG::Geo::Circle |
PG::Geo::Line | PG::Geo::LineSegment | PG::Geo::Path | PG::Geo::Point |
PG::Geo::Polygon | PG::Numeric | PG::Interval | Slice(UInt8) | String | Time |
UInt8 | UInt16 | UInt32 | UInt64 | Clear::Expression::UnsafeSql | UUID |
Nil | Hash(String, Int32)
Bug investigation update:
- This seems to be more of a problem with
> 11 | def initialize(h : Hash(String, _), @cache : Clear::Model::QueryCache? = nil, @persisted = false, fetch_columns = false )
> 12 | @attributes.merge!(h) if fetch_columns
> 13 |
> 14 | reset(h)
> 15 | end
@attributes.merge!(h) if fetch_columns
than it is with the Clear::SQL::Any or the Converter module.
- This is because when
body param is a NamedTuple instead of a Hash then the above code works without any need for modification of Clear::SQL::Any (the following code passes spec)
it "should create a new model with a field from a new converter from NamedTuple", focus: true do
body = {
rooms: {
"bed" => 4,
"bath" => 3,
"kitchen" => 1,
available: true,
house = House.new(body)
house.rooms.should eq(body["rooms"])
house.available.should eq(true)
Constructor by hash should not be used; it is used internally with recordset but should not be used outside to feed the model like you do.
The problem lay in the fact we don't have as much information about the value for each key in comparison to a NamedTuple.
For NamedTuple I can get each column type easily, as NamedTuple are defined like NamedTuple(col1: String, col2: OtherClasss, col3: ...)
so you know which column is expecting which kind of value.
In hash, you will get Hash(String, String|OtherClass|...)
where the value is a union of each type encountered when you defined your hash.
I'm not sure there's anything I can do, as I think this is a limit to Crystal language itself. I would say: don't use Hash in this case, but use from/to_json serialization for your model.
You could also create a static method from_hash
which take the hash. You will then notice that you need to cast the parameters of you hash like this:
def self.from_hash(hash)
mdl = new(rooms: hash[:rooms].as(Hash(String, Int32)) # < this is the casting Clear is not aware of when you pass a hash.