
Add rule to prepare output format for uploading to DwC

Closed this issue · 1 comments

To facilitate uploading data to OBIS/GBIF, add a function to combine ASV file (table.biom), sample data file (metadata.tsv), and taxa table (taxonomy.qza) in a way that can be uploaded to DwC. This can also include converting taxa to WORMS (if marine).

First pass at this doesn't have to check if you have the correct DwC headers, it is more for putting your files in the right shape.

Pipeline in development that does this a bit using R:

Added export_asv_taxa_obis rule to create 01-taxonomy/asv_taxa_sample_table.tsv file that combines ASV sequences, taxonomy, and per-sample read counts. This file can be used for conversion to OBIS/GBIF format.