
installation instructions

Closed this issue · 13 comments

Hi @ondras, thanks for your contributions, i face some difficulties.
1.where i can get the installation instructions.
2.when i run python --pdf(the lib of requirements.txt is installed), i got "OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory",but the files is there
Thank yout!

Hi @bigpyer,

can you please provide some more context here? I am not sure what contributions are you talking about.

i just want the installation steps(generate pdf documents)
i run "python --pdf" and errors like this:

python _build/ --output=tex/pedometer.markdown --markdown ./pedometer/pedometer.markdown

No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/envoy/", line 214, in run
out, err =, timeout, kill_timeout, env, cwd)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/envoy/", line 93, in run
raise self.exc
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

I see. Well, perhaps you might have confused me with somebody else, as I have no direct relation to this project; I have no knowledge about its build process and I never tried to build it.

I can confirm that the book doesn't build with python --pdf. I got a host of OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory errors after downloading the repo and installing the dependencies in requirements.txt into a fresh virtualenv.

I've also tried several of the other format arguments, all with similar problems, though I did notice that an epub folder appeared after I tried that option.

I can't tell if there's another way one should generate the book.

I also can't tell if one is supposed to be able to create the book.

From the issues list it sounds like this project should "launch" soon?

I'll be writing up some instructions on how to get this running, but it probably won't be anytime soon (until after the print version has launched.) It has been a lot of spit and chewing gum up until this point; there are certain dependencies that are going to be problematic unless you know you need to have them.

Once the print version is ready, I'm going to make sure that people can at least build the PDF relatively easily on their own. But that won't be for a few months yet. For details of our early access release, watch our Twitter at -- we'll be announcing something today!

ymant commented

i also meet the problems.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "build\bdist.win32\egg\envoy\", line 214, in run
out, err =, timeout, kill_timeout, env, cwd)
File "build\bdist.win32\egg\envoy\", line 93, in run
raise self.exc
WindowsError: [Error 2]

bibtex 500L

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "build\bdist.win32\egg\envoy\", line 214, in run
out, err =, timeout, kill_timeout, env, cwd)
File "build\bdist.win32\egg\envoy\", line 93, in run
raise self.exc
WindowsError: [Error 2]

pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode 500L

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "build\bdist.win32\egg\envoy\", line 214, in run
out, err =, timeout, kill_timeout, env, cwd)
File "build\bdist.win32\egg\envoy\", line 93, in run
raise self.exc
WindowsError: [Error 2]

+1 ! Having problem ...

@bigpyer @Chris-May (and hopefully helps others too). On Ubuntu, I installed the following stuffs:

sudo apt -y install texlive-full   # I already had this
sudo apt -y install pandoc   # this should get rid of OSError you're getting.

With just above installs, I have been able to run the file to generate pdf. In case it does not work, just lmk and I'll try find the issue and its solution.

Cloned at commit b5ee541 (Sun May 29 12:00:31 2016 -0400) using Fedora 23. I installed pandoc and the full texlive, then I installed the dependencies from requirements.txt.

sudo dnf install texlive-scheme-full pandoc
sudo pip2 install -r requirements.txt

I ran python2 ./ --pdf. Log attached. I got a few errors and warnings, but it did produce a PDF with what appears to be the complete contents, though no front page. PDF attached for reference.

Next, I tried python2 ./ --epub. Log attached. This failed due to not finding a file named image-list.txt. No ePub file was produced and the PDF that was previously built has now been deleted.

After that, I tried python2 ./ --pandoc-epub. Log attached. No ePub file was produced.

Next, I tried python2 ./ --epub --pandoc-epub. Log attached. Like with python2 ./ --epub, this fails due to not finding the image-list.txt file.

Finally, I tried python2 ./ --html. Log attached. This results in some output under html/output/, but only five of the files are HTML files and most of these are empty with regards to actual text content. The output is too big to attach on GitHub but here's a tree view of html/output/.

To build the epub, first create the nonexistent files

touch epub/epubtitle.txt epub/introduction.markdown epub/image-list.txt

then run

python --epub --pandoc-epub

The zip command will fail but the epub will be created and readable otherwise. The images in the epub is too large though.

To build the pdf with bookmarks, first build the pdf as usual, then chdir to pdf/, edit 500L.tex replacing

% \usepackage{hyperref} with \usepackage[bookmarks]{hyperref}


\setcounter{tocdepth}{0} with %\setcounter{tocdepth}{0}.

I've added build instructions in f0e5a10. Thanks to all here who helped out in the interim before I could get to this.

I also experienced this issue on Ubuntu 14.04.

For me, this issue had to do with pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode 500L failing. Perhaps the build script could be improved to stop in case of command failure rather than continuing to trying to move the non-existent pdf to output/.

The fix for me was to install pdflatex as illustrated in this gist: