
Load crystal or molecule from file

Closed this issue · 5 comments


I am struggling to find a way to load a crystal or molecule from a cube file which does not end with .cube, but with .cub. Of course, the easy way is just to rename the file. I am just wondering if there is an equivalent of "LOAD CUBE ANYFILENAME" for the CRYSTAL/MOLECULE keywords.

Not a huge problem but sometimes just a little bit annoying because some software output the cube file as a .cub and if you can just avoid renaming it, that saves you a tiny bit of time ;-)

Thanks a lot.

Thanks for your quick answer and thanks a lot for this nice package ;-)

I'll tentatively close this issue. Feel free to reopen.

Dear Alberto,

Sorry for not answering your message earlier. Thanks for implementing this! I will give it a try and let you know!

