
Large residual charges in VDD method

Andrew-S-Rosen opened this issue · 4 comments

Apologies for the drastic edit as I continue to diagnose the issue and refine my question.

For the attached files below, I am getting a sum of VDD charges that is -50. This is the number of pseudopotential electrons in the system, whereas I expected to get a sum that is ~0. Do you know why I am getting the total number of electrons returned?


crystal AECCAR1
load AECCAR1
load AECCAR2
load as "$1-$2"
reference 3


                  _   _     _          ___
                 (_) | |   (_)        |__ \
     ___   _ __   _  | |_   _    ___     ) |
    / __| | '__| | | | __| | |  / __|   / /
   | (__  | |    | | | |_  | | | (__   / /_
    \___| |_|    |_|  \__| |_|  \___| |____|

* CRITIC2: analysis of real-space scalar fields in solids and molecules.
  (c) 1996-2019 A. Otero-de-la-Roza, A. Martin-Pendas, V. Lua~na
  Distributed under GNU GPL v.3 (see COPYING for details)
  Bugs, requests, and rants:
  If you find this software useful, please cite:
  A. Otero-de-la-Roza et al., Comput. Phys. Commun. 185 (2014) 1007-1018.
  A. Otero-de-la-Roza et al., Comput. Phys. Commun. 180 (2009) 157-166.

+ critic2 (development), version 1.0 (git:1.1dev-215-g84692b2)
         host: Linux-5.3.18-150300.59.43_11.0.51-cray_shasta_c
         date: Sat 18 Jun 2022 16:55:49
 compiled dat: /global/homes/r/rosen/software/critic2dir/share/critic2
      datadir: /global/homes/r/rosen/software/critic2dir/share/critic2
     dic file: /global/homes/r/rosen/software/critic2dir/share/critic2/cif/cif_core.dic
...was found?: T
       spglib: 1.13.0
        libxc: <unavailable>

CRITIC2--2022/6/18, 20:56:50.793

critic2:1> crystal AECCAR1
%% crystal AECCAR1

* Crystal structure
  From: AECCAR1
  Lattice parameters (bohr): 10.905781  10.905781  10.905781
  Lattice parameters (ang): 5.771091  5.771091  5.771091
  Lattice angles (degrees): 134.065  134.065  66.986
  Empirical formula: In(3) Ag(1)
  Number of non-equivalent atoms in the unit cell: 3
  Number of atoms in the unit cell: 4
  Number of atomic species: 2
  Number of electrons (with zero atomic charge): 194
  Molar mass (amu, per unit cell): 452.322
  Cell volume (bohr^3): 658.80883
  Cell volume (ang^3): 97.62539
  Density (g/cm^3): 7.69368
  Space group (H-M): I4/mmm (139)

+ List of atomic species:
# spc = atomic species. Z = atomic number. name = atomic name (symbol).
# Q = charge. ZPSP = pseudopotential charge.
# spc  Z   name      Q    ZPSP
   1  49    In     0.0000  --
   2  47    Ag     0.0000  --

+ List of non-equivalent atoms in the unit cell (cryst. coords.):
# at = complete list atomic ID. xyz = Cartesian coordinates. spc = atomic species.
# wyck = wyckoff position. name = atomic name (symbol). mult = multiplicity.
# Z = atomic number.
# nat       x              y              z        spc wyck  name   mult  Z
   1   0.7500000000   0.2500000000   0.5000000000   1    2d   In     2   49
   2   0.5000000000   0.5000000000   0.0000000000   1    1b   In     1   49
   3   0.0000000000   0.0000000000   0.0000000000   2    1a   Ag     1   47

+ List of atoms in the unit cell (cryst. coords.):
# at = complete list atomic ID. xyz = Cartesian coordinates. spc = atomic species.
# name = atomic name (symbol). Z = atomic number. nat = non-equivalent atom id.
# mol = molecular fragment.
# at        x              y              z        spc  name    Z  nat mol
   1   0.7500000000   0.2500000000   0.5000000000   1    In    49   1   1
   2   0.2500000000   0.7500000000   0.5000000000   1    In    49   1   1
   3   0.5000000000   0.5000000000   0.0000000000   1    In    49   2   1
   4   0.0000000000   0.0000000000   0.0000000000   2    Ag    47   3   1

+ Lattice vectors (bohr)
    a:   -4.2554969554     4.2554969554     9.0949192858
    b:    4.2554969554    -4.2554969554     9.0949192858
    c:    4.2554969554     4.2554969554    -9.0949192858

+ List of atoms in Cartesian coordinates (bohr):
# at = complete list atomic ID. xyz = Cartesian coordinates. spc = atomic species.
# name = atomic name (symbol). Z = atomic number. dnn = nearest-neighbor distance.
# nat = non-equivalent atom id. mol = molecular fragment.
# at         x                y                z         spc  name    Z     dnn     nat mol
   1     0.0000000000     4.2554969554     4.5474596429   1    In    49    6.0182    1   1
   2     4.2554969554     0.0000000000     4.5474596429   1    In    49    6.0182    1   1
   3     0.0000000000     0.0000000000     9.0949192858   1    In    49    6.0182    2   1
   4     0.0000000000     0.0000000000     0.0000000000   2    Ag    47    6.0182    3   1

+ List of symmetry operations (16):
  Operation 1:
     1.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
     0.000000  1.000000  0.000000  0.000000
     0.000000  0.000000  1.000000  0.000000
  Operation 2:
    -1.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
     0.000000 -1.000000  0.000000  0.000000
     0.000000  0.000000 -1.000000  0.000000
  Operation 3:
     0.000000  1.000000  0.000000  0.000000
     0.000000  1.000000 -1.000000  0.000000
    -1.000000  1.000000  0.000000  0.000000
  Operation 4:
     0.000000 -1.000000  0.000000  0.000000
     0.000000 -1.000000  1.000000  0.000000
     1.000000 -1.000000  0.000000  0.000000
  Operation 5:
     0.000000  1.000000 -1.000000  0.000000
     1.000000  0.000000 -1.000000  0.000000
     0.000000  0.000000 -1.000000  0.000000
  Operation 6:
     0.000000 -1.000000  1.000000  0.000000
    -1.000000  0.000000  1.000000  0.000000
     0.000000  0.000000  1.000000  0.000000
  Operation 7:
     1.000000  0.000000 -1.000000  0.000000
     1.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
     1.000000 -1.000000  0.000000  0.000000
  Operation 8:
    -1.000000  0.000000  1.000000  0.000000
    -1.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
    -1.000000  1.000000  0.000000  0.000000
  Operation 9:
    -1.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
    -1.000000  0.000000  1.000000  0.000000
    -1.000000  1.000000  0.000000  0.000000
  Operation 10:
     1.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
     1.000000  0.000000 -1.000000  0.000000
     1.000000 -1.000000  0.000000  0.000000
  Operation 11:
     0.000000 -1.000000  0.000000  0.000000
    -1.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
     0.000000  0.000000 -1.000000  0.000000
  Operation 12:
     0.000000  1.000000  0.000000  0.000000
     1.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
     0.000000  0.000000  1.000000  0.000000
  Operation 13:
     0.000000 -1.000000  1.000000  0.000000
     0.000000 -1.000000  0.000000  0.000000
     1.000000 -1.000000  0.000000  0.000000
  Operation 14:
     0.000000  1.000000 -1.000000  0.000000
     0.000000  1.000000  0.000000  0.000000
    -1.000000  1.000000  0.000000  0.000000
  Operation 15:
    -1.000000  0.000000  1.000000  0.000000
     0.000000 -1.000000  1.000000  0.000000
     0.000000  0.000000  1.000000  0.000000
  Operation 16:
     1.000000  0.000000 -1.000000  0.000000
     0.000000  1.000000 -1.000000  0.000000
     0.000000  0.000000 -1.000000  0.000000

+ List of symmetry operations in crystallographic notation:
# number: operation ... ## order of rotation [axis]; [axis in Cartesian]
     1: x,y,z                          ##  1
     2: -x,-y,-z                       ## -1
     3: y,y-z,-x+y                     ##  4 [1,1,0]; [-0.000,0.000,1.000]
     4: -y,-y+z,x-y                    ## -4 [-1,-1,0]; [0.000,-0.000,-1.000]
     5: y-z,x-z,-z                     ##  2 [1,1,0]; [0.000,0.000,1.000]
     6: -y+z,-x+z,z                    ## -1 [1,1,0]; [0.000,0.000,1.000]
     7: x-z,x,x-y                      ##  4 [-1,-1,0]; [-0.000,-0.000,-1.000]
     8: -x+z,-x,-x+y                   ## -4 [-1,-1,0]; [-0.000,-0.000,-1.000]
     9: -x,-x+z,-x+y                   ##  2 [0,1,1]; [1.000,0.000,0.000]
    10: x,x-z,x-y                      ## -1 [0,1,1]; [1.000,0.000,0.000]
    11: -y,-x,-z                       ##  2 [1,-1,0]; [-0.707,0.707,0.000]
    12: y,x,z                          ## -1 [-1,1,0]; [0.707,-0.707,0.000]
    13: -y+z,-y,x-y                    ##  2 [1,0,1]; [0.000,1.000,0.000]
    14: y-z,y,-x+y                     ## -1 [1,0,1]; [0.000,1.000,0.000]
    15: -x+z,-y+z,z                    ##  2 [1,1,2]; [0.707,0.707,0.000]
    16: x-z,y-z,-z                     ## -1 [1,1,2]; [0.707,0.707,0.000]

+ List of centering vectors (1):
  Vector 1: 0.000000  0.000000  0.000000

+ Crystal symmetry information
  Space group (Hermann-Mauguin): I4/mmm (number 139)
  Point group (Hermann-Mauguin): 4/mmm
  Point group (Schoenflies): D4h
  Holohedry: tetragonal
  Laue class: 4/mmm

+ Cartesian/crystallographic coordinate transformation matrices:
  A = car to crys (xcrys = A * xcar, bohr^-1)
      -0.0000000000     0.1174950905     0.0549757490
       0.1174950905     0.0000000000     0.0549757490
       0.1174950905     0.1174950905     0.0000000000
  B = crys to car (xcar = B * xcrys, bohr)
      -4.2554969554     4.2554969554     4.2554969554
       4.2554969554    -4.2554969554     4.2554969554
       9.0949192858     9.0949192858    -9.0949192858
  G = metric tensor (B'*B, bohr^2)
     118.9360654890    46.4990481407   -82.7175568148
      46.4990481407   118.9360654890   -82.7175568148
     -82.7175568148   -82.7175568148   118.9360654890

+ List of fragments in the system (1)
# Id = fragment ID. nat = number of atoms in fragment. C-o-m = center of mass (bohr).
# Discrete = is this fragment finite?
# Id  nat           Center of mass            Discrete
  1    4      0.380762    0.873079    0.000000   No

+ This is a 3D periodic structure.

+ Atomic environment
  Number of atoms (reduced cell/environment): 4 / 2376
  Radius of (unit cell/environment) circumscribed sphere (bohr): 10.1080 / 75.2869
  Maximum interaction distance (bohr): 35.3912
  Covering regions:
    Total number of regions: 800 (10 10 8)
    Minimum region ID: -5 -5 -4
    Maximum region ID: 4 4 3
    Region side (bohr): 10.9604
    Transformation origin (bohr): 2.1277,-2.1277,4.5475
    Search offsets: 3375
    Maximum search offset: 7
    Average number of atoms per region: 2.9700
    Maximum number of atoms in a region: 14

+ Vertex of the WS cell in cryst. coords. (18)
# id = vertex ID. xyz = vertex cryst. coords. d = vertex distance to origin (bohr).
   id       x            y            z          d (bohr)
    1   -0.640536     0.359464    -0.000000     6.53859929
    2    0.359464    -0.640536    -0.000000     6.53859929
    3   -0.359464     0.640536    -0.000000     6.53859929
    4   -0.750000    -0.250000    -0.500000     6.22805295
    5   -0.640536    -0.640536    -1.000000     6.53859929
    6   -0.250000    -0.750000    -0.500000     6.22805295
    7   -0.250000     0.250000     0.500000     6.22805295
    8    0.359464     0.359464     1.000000     6.53859929
    9    0.250000    -0.250000     0.500000     6.22805295
   10   -0.359464    -0.359464    -0.000000     6.53859929
   11    0.640536    -0.359464    -0.000000     6.53859929
   12    0.250000     0.750000     0.500000     6.22805295
   13    0.640536     0.640536     1.000000     6.53859929
   14    0.750000     0.250000     0.500000     6.22805295
   15   -0.250000     0.250000    -0.500000     6.22805295
   16   -0.359464    -0.359464    -1.000000     6.53859929
   17    0.250000    -0.250000    -0.500000     6.22805295
   18    0.359464     0.359464    -0.000000     6.53859929

+ Faces of the WS cell (12)
# Face ID: vertexID1 vertexID2 ...
   1: 1  3  12 13 8  7
   2: 1  3  15 16 5  4
   3: 1  4  10 7
   4: 2  6  10 9
   5: 2  11 14 13 8  9
   6: 2  11 17 16 5  6
   7: 3  15 18 12
   8: 4  10 6  5
   9: 7  10 9  8
  10: 11 14 18 17
  11: 14 13 12 18
  12: 15 16 17 18

+ Lattice vectors for the Wigner-Seitz neighbors
# FaceID: Voronoi lattice vector (cryst. coords.)
   1:  0  1  1
   2: -1  0 -1
   3: -1  0  0
   4:  0 -1  0
   5:  1  0  1
   6:  0 -1 -1
   7:  0  1  0
   8: -1 -1 -1
   9:  0  0  1
  10:  1  0  0
  11:  1  1  1
  12:  0  0 -1

+ Lattice vectors for the Delaunay reduced cell (cryst. coords.)
  a: -1  0 -1
  b:  0  1  1
  c:  1  0  0
  Delaunay reduced cell lengths: 8.510994 8.510994 10.905781
  Delaunay reduced cell angles: 112.967 112.967 90.000

+ Is the cell orthogonal? F
+ Is the reduced cell orthogonal? F

* List of scalar fields
+ Field number 0
  Name: <promolecular>
  Source: <generated>
  Type: promolecular
  Atoms in the environment: 2376
  Use core densities? F
  Numerical derivatives? F
  Nuclear CP signature: -3
  Number of non-equivalent critical points: 3
  Number of critical points in the unit cell: 4
  Alias for this field (2): $0, $rho0
  This is the REFERENCE field.

* List of integrable properties (3)
#  Id  Type  Field  Name
    1   v        0  Volume
    2  fval      0  Pop
    3  lval      0  Lap

* List of additional properties at critical points (0)

* List of core and pseudopotential charges for each field
# id  type   core?  ZPSP
  0  promol   no

critic2:2> load AECCAR1
%% load AECCAR1

+ Field number 1
  Source: AECCAR1
  Type: grid
  Grid dimensions : 96  96  96
  Max. length Voronoi-relevant vector (bohr):  0.11360
  First elements... 1.299366491349E+00  2.596550312426E+00  2.116855177832E+00
  Last elements... 2.535805610145E+00  3.453233234926E+00  2.845799283748E+00
  Sum of elements... 9.926157310707E+00
  Sum of squares of elements... 8.684739290520E+03
  Cell integral (grid SUM) = 0.00739140
  Min: -1.56138005E+00
  Average: 1.12193437E-05
  Max: 6.73810221E+00
  Interpolation mode (1=nearest,2=linear,3=spline,4=tricubic,5=smoothrho): 4
  Use core densities? F
  Numerical derivatives? F
  Nuclear CP signature: -3
  Number of non-equivalent critical points: 3
  Number of critical points in the unit cell: 4
  Alias for this field (1): $1

* Field number 1 is now REFERENCE.

critic2:3> load AECCAR2
%% load AECCAR2

load as "$+ Field number 2
  Source: AECCAR2
  Type: grid
  Grid dimensions : 96  96  96
  Max. length Voronoi-relevant vector (bohr):  0.11360
  First elements... 2.730216181208E+00  3.771336493417E+00  3.216419679882E+00
  Last elements... 3.629537692306E+00  4.547317924082E+00  3.996790863819E+00
  Sum of elements... 6.715642382010E+04
  Sum of squares of elements... 3.781930217824E+04
  Cell integral (grid SUM) = 50.00728437
  Min: -3.39070057E-02
  Average: 7.59056078E-02
  Max: 7.51720152E+00
  Interpolation mode (1=nearest,2=linear,3=spline,4=tricubic,5=smoothrho): 4
  Use core densities? F
  Numerical derivatives? F
  Nuclear CP signature: -3
  Number of non-equivalent critical points: 3
  Number of critical points in the unit cell: 4
  Alias for this field (1): $2

critic2:4> load as "$1-$2"
%% load as "$1-$2"

reference + Field number 3
  Source: <generated>
  Type: grid
  Grid dimensions : 96  96  96
  Max. length Voronoi-relevant vector (bohr):  0.11360
  First elements... -1.430849689859E+00  -1.174786180991E+00  -1.099564502049E+00
  Last elements... -1.093732082161E+00  -1.094084689155E+00  -1.150991580070E+00
  Sum of elements... -6.714649766279E+04
  Sum of squares of elements... 3.159199095731E+04
  Cell integral (grid SUM) = -49.99989296
  Min: -1.77212666E+00
  Average: -7.58943885E-02
  Max: -8.20415622E-03
  Interpolation mode (1=nearest,2=linear,3=spline,4=tricubic,5=smoothrho): 4
  Use core densities? F
  Numerical derivatives? F
  Nuclear CP signature: -3
  Number of non-equivalent critical points: 3
  Number of critical points in the unit cell: 4
  Alias for this field (1): $3

critic2:5> reference 3
%% reference 3

* Field number 3 is now REFERENCE.

* List of integrable properties (3)
#  Id  Type  Field  Name
    1   v        0  Volume
    2  fval      3  Pop
    3  lval      3  Lap

* Summary of critical points for the reference field
  Non-equivalent critical points = 3
  Cell critical points = 4
  Topological class (n|b|r|c): 3(4) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
  Morse sum: 4

critic2:6> voronoi
%% voronoi

* Voronoi integration
+ Integrating atomic properties

+ Integrated property (number 1): Volume
+ Integrated property (number 2): Pop
+ Integrated property (number 3): Lap

* List of integrated atomic properties
+ The "Label" entries will be used to identify the integrable property
  in the tables of integrated atomic properties. The entries with
  an "x" will not be integrated.
# id    Label      fid  Field       Additional
  1       Volume    -- Volume
  2        Pop       3 Field (v)
  3        Lap       3 Laplcn (v)

* Key for the interpretation of table headings
# Id = attractor identifier
# cp/at = critical point/atom from the complete CP/atom list
# (lvec) = lattice translation from CP/atom to the main cell's representative
# ncp/nat = critical point/atom from the non-equivalent CP/atom list
# Name = atomic name
# Z = atomic number
# Position = attractor position
# Mol = molecule identifier (see corresponding table above)
# Volume = volume of the reference field basins.
# Pop (population) = the reference field integrated in its own basins.
# Lap = Laplacian of the reference field integrated in the reference field basins.
# $xxx = field xxx integrated in the basins of the reference field.

* List of attractors integrated
# Id   cp   ncp   Name  Z   mult           Position (cryst.)
  1    1    1      In   49  --    0.7500000    0.2500000    0.5000000
  2    2    1      In   49  --    0.2500000    0.7500000    0.5000000
  3    3    2      In   49  --    0.5000000    0.5000000    0.0000000
  4    4    3      Ag   47  --    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000

* Integrated atomic properties
# (See key above for interpretation of column headings.)
# Integrable properties 1 to 3
# Id   cp   ncp   Name  Z   mult     Volume            Pop             Lap
  1    1    1      In   49  --   1.65341107E+02 -1.29013654E+01  8.48815172E-02
  2    2    1      In   49  --   1.64134792E+02 -1.28828182E+01  1.03197073E-01
  3    3    2      In   49  --   1.65243559E+02 -1.28746735E+01  1.65702455E-02
  4    4    3      Ag   47  --   1.64089369E+02 -1.13410359E+01 -2.04648836E-01
  Sum                            6.58808826E+02 -4.99998930E+01 -4.94881913E-14

The sum of YT charges computed using the following input also yields a number >> 50, which I found odd.

crystal CHGCAR
load AECCAR0
load AECCAR2
load as "$1+$2"
reference 3
integrable 4
# Id   cp   ncp   Name  Z   mult     Volume            Pop             Lap             $4
  1    1    1      In   49  --   1.66818425E+02  6.19349153E+01 -9.86630407E+01  1.29251853E+01
  2    2    1      In   49  --   1.63212787E+02  6.18726747E+01  1.40387225E+01  1.28653767E+01
  3    3    2      In   49  --   1.65513501E+02  6.18885616E+01  1.24495299E+01  1.28797681E+01
  4    4    3      Ag   47  --   1.63264114E+02  5.57027366E+01  7.21747883E+01  1.13296700E+01
  Sum                            6.58808826E+02  2.41398888E+02 -3.36754624E-10  5.00000001E+01

Just as a sanity check, I tried the Henkelman group's Bader code and got what appears to be reasonable values in return.

The sum of YT charges is 50, which I presume is the number of valence electrons in your system. You need to look at the column $4 for the result of integrating field 4 (the CHGCAR). The "Pop" column is the integral of the all-electron density which, as mentioned in the other thread, has a very large grid integration error (and therefore is meaningless). Assuming you went with Ag pseudos with ZVAL=13 and In with ZVAL=11, your charges, calculated as ZVAL minus the $4 column, are about 0.1 for Ag and about -0.3 for In, which is not wholly unreasonable.

As for VORONOI, loading the AECCAR1 gives:

  Cell integral (grid SUM) = 0.00739140

so it integrates to zero over the unit cell. This is inconsistent with the VASP manual, and it may be a quirk (or a bug) in VASP, because it should integrate to a number that is (very roughly) close to 50. It is supposed to be a valence density. Can you try with different pseudos? Maybe these datasets are missing info for this kind of calculation. I also suggest trying a simpler system with Ag and In separately.

In the meantime, you may want to try using critic2's atomic densities:

crystal AECCAR0

zpsp Ag 11 In 13
load AECCAR2                     id ae2
load as core sizeof ae2          id core_pro
load as promolecular sizeof ae2  id ae_pro
load as "$ae_pro - $core_pro"    id val_pro
load as "$val_pro - $ae2"        id defrho

reference defrho

This is not ideal, though, because they were generated in an entirely different way and therefore are not exactly comparable to the AECCAR2. Note the 0.15 residual charge when integrating the defrho over the unit cell.

Also, can you please share the VASP version you are using, and maybe a private e-mail with the INCAR, KPOINTS, and POTCAR?

Ah, thanks! You're correct about the YT charges. Regarding the Voronoi charges, it does appear that there is some sort of bug with the AECCAR1 file in a certain set of older VASP versions that is causing the integrated density to be ~number of electrons instead of ~0. I've confirmed it's not restricted to just the example here. It looks like the "VDD" charges might just be regular Voronoi charges (i.e. the density integrated over the Voronoi cell, not the deformation density) in this case.

I will send you the inputs in a follow-up email later this week. I'll also dig into the version numbers. I just have to do a bit of file-digging to get the additional info we need to troubleshoot since I only have the volumetric data available at this very moment.

Thanks for your help, @aoterodelaroza. With the clues you provided, I was able to pinpoint the issue. It is not a VASP version or pseudpotential issue. It's an input issue. Using ADDGRID=.TRUE. causes the aforementioned issue in the AECCAR1 file. When this keyword is removed, the AECCAR1 is appropriate. As such, I will close this issue.