
Please add support for Memcached socket connections

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I use Memcached via a Unix socket connection, (un)fortunately when Memcached is configured to listen on a socket it disables it's network interface connections. Would it be too much work to add support for Memcached and socket connections?

I did look into it, but I'm almost brand new to python so I'm not sure what a suitable way to do this is without adding unnecessary dependencies, if you could give me guidance as to what to use I will attempt to write the necessary code.

Thanks for PyMunin!


I will look into it. It shouldn't be so difficult to do.


Just pushed a change for implementing the requested feature for supporting UNIX sockets in the Memcached Plugin.

I will be glad if you could help with testing of the plugin.


I have had it running for a few hours now, and the graphs are appearing, and seemingly correct.

Thank you very much!