
[1.20.1] Alternative spawn points with Repawn Obelisks fail

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When attempting to use an alternative spawn mod (Respawn Obelisks in this case) with Origins installed, the spawn will fail and default to world spawn with the message "You have no home respawn point or charged respawn obelisk, or it was obstructed".

It's likely that a MixinExtra’s WrapOperation needs to be utilized in ModifyPlayerSpawnPower.java, but I don't have much experience with Fabric.

Respawn Obelisk Version: 2.5-c
Fabric Loader Version (if fabric): 0.15.10
Fabric API Version (if fabric): 0.92.1 + 1.20.1
Architectury API version: 9,2,13
Origins: 1.10.0