
[CSV download] Add Ability to Download All Records when Table Viz has a Limit

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Motivation / Problem to Solve

On table viz. end consumer of the data wants to be able to download CSV of the entire dataset, instead of just a sample displayed on dashboard in a table viz. Foe example, table viz displays 100 rows, but the query (if ran in SQL lab) would return 1000 rows. When user is downloading the csv from dashboard, user would like to have the option to download the entire result.

Proposed Functionality

Right now, all the data is returned to the UI, so that it can be rendered in the UI. Table viz currently does not have a functionality where we can display 100 records on UI and when user clicks on download, it will download all (e.g. 10k) - the query would need to be triggered again to retrieve the full result for CSV download. User should probably have two options for this viz type specifically - download chart dataset, or download entire dataset into CSV.

This functionality is also related to reporting - where users might want to download specific CSV results of a query. There could be additional opportunity / another way to solve this, by creating a "new" viz type, which will just be a CSV download link, which dashboard producer can place near the table viz on dashboard to allow for this feature.

tagging @benceorlai since this is in a way related to reports, curious what thoughts you have on this request