
[dashboard] view and add new dashboard mode UI change

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Below changes are gonna take place in the create empty dashboard view

  1. Move favorite "Star" before the title
  2. Default title for new dashboard styling change
  3. DRAFT icon stying change
  4. Display dashboard owner's initial to the right, hover to see full name in tooltip
  5. Add a Welcome message in the empty dashboard
  6. In the message, add an entry point to Explore to create a new chart


Screen Shot 2021-01-17 at 4 24 38 PM

Screen Shot 2021-01-17 at 4 14 43 PM

Related to #119

@mihir174 if design effort takes more than 1 story point, we can start implementation directly using cartel design

Great features planned!

  1. Display dashboard owner's initial to the right, hover to see full name in tooltip

Note, some dashboards can have multiple owners. Assuming similar design as on View Dashboards would be used.
Screen Shot 2021-02-07 at 6 05 17 PM

Another commonly requested item is "Display last updated date" I know this might be hard to fit on the dashboard view but in case you see value in it and find a good place from design perspective (it could be small icon and hover-over to see last updated). While just simply last updated isn't always best indicator of a dashboard quality, it's a good piece of metadata.

@junlincc During the Transition time for dashboard filter migration, i feel it is important to let everyone see the dashboard owners list. Because only dashboard owner can preview the converted filter components. If someone noticed the dashboard owner left company, he/she probably need to request transfer the ownership, etc.

Could we just prioritize this one:

Display dashboard owner's initial to the right, hover to see full name in tooltip