
[Chart]Relational diagrams and Flow charts Echarts integration ๐Ÿ†•

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Superset offers a wide range of visualizations to serve different data structures and tell story users to convey through data. Looking at the 46+ chart types currently available in Superset viz selection, most of them(time series, composition, and distribution charts) focus on data analytics. The robust ability to turn the immense amount of enterprise data into actionable business insights has been an advantage of Superset in the BI market.
One area that we would like to improve is to provide more viz types as a tool for story telling, project management and visualizing relationships. We currently offer Sankey Diagram, Force-directed Graph, Chord Diagram that are partially serving these purposes. Still, they are far away from enough to make Superset stand out in the BI landscape's fierce competition.

Proposed Solution
Therefore, as part of Echarts viz enhancement project, we would like to introduce more relational diagrams and flow charts to Superset. To name a few that are on our radar, Event tree diagram, Funnel charts, Process flow diagram, Social network, etc. As Echarts offers most of the above as out-of-the-box solutions, we anticipate the experiment will be relatively smooth, but the entire process may take a couple of quarters.

To kick off this open-project, we are going to start with integrating Echarts Tree diagram.
A tree diagram is particularly useful in
1)recording and analyzing possible actions in events and
2)management planning that depicts the hierarchy of tasks and subtasks needed to complete an objective.

Calling for help to the community to signup for project(tree diagram) ownership and contribute!
Superset data viz team will be offering all necessary support in engineering, product and design, and more.


Echarts Tree diagram
Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 12 20 10 PM

cc @mistercrunch @villebro @rusackas @ktmud