
[chart & dashboard] add hook to re-trigger chart query with new parameters

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Use case:

  • "I have a chart with a map. I zoom in, and I want to re-trigger the query to filter only the new map bounds."
  • "If I pull the entire result set (25M rows) I crash the browser or if I enforce a limit then the subsequent filters don't work anymore."
  • "In table viz, I can only see the first 50 records in table view Choosing 50 limit. There's no way to see the next 50 records. I can choose 100 limit to get more records, but more records more data, and the page could break down."

Proposed solution
add hook to re-trigger chart query with new parameters, server side pagination

cc @villebro @amitmiran137 @simcha90


Assigning this roadmap task to @amitmiran137 @simcha90, expecting PR end of Q1. Thank you both for taking this high impact item on!