
Error - "certificate verify failed - unable to get local issuer certificate" while using airflow_client

amuley11 opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm getting an error- "certificate verify failed - unable to get local issuer certificate" while using airflow_client. Could someone please provide a resolution for it?

Did you try to google for it @amuley11 ? When I did, the first result was a helpful Stack Overflow with a number of suggestions you could try. Heartily recommend trying google first rather than dragging attention of maintainers by opening an issue .

gyscos commented

Many python HTTP clients use requests, and setting REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE is often enough to make it use the system certificates.

It doesn't seem to work for this library though, what's the way to make it use system certificates?

EDIT: Just found that the Configuration object can take a ssl_ca_cert parameter, which can be filled with os.environ["REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE"] if needed. Thanks for the library!