
IP Clearance for Terraform Provider and Go SDK

rohityadavcloud opened this issue ยท 19 comments

This issue tracks for the IP clearance process for accepting the Terraform Provider and Go SDK: https://incubator.apache.org/ip-clearance/ip-clearance-template.html#process

Top 20 contributors tracking table for https://github.com/xanzy/terraform-provider-cloudstack/graphs/contributors:

Contributor ICLA or contributor agreed over email/github? Remarks
@svanharmelen ICLA + grants OK sander@vanharmelen.nl Major contributor/author and repo owner
@grubernaut No objection received on PMC ML 16 commits
@hany No objections in comments 16 commits
@mcanevet No objection received on PMC ML 11 commits
@serbaut ? 8 commits
@cezarsa No objection received on PMC ML 6 commits
@radeksimko No objection received on PMC ML 6 commits
@jalemieux ? 5 commits
@jefflaplante ? 4 commits
@jeroendekorte ? 4 commits
@benjvi No objections in comments 4 commits
@ceh No objections in comments 3 commits
@stack72 No objections in comments 3 commits
@schans No objections in comments, already ASF committer ICLA should be OK 3 commits
@ddegoede ? 2 commits
@greut No objections in comments 2 commits
@av1nashs1ngh ? 2 commits
@glenjamin ? 2 commits
@chiradeep Yes, ACS PMC member 2 commits
@cryptobioz ? commits

Top 20 contributor tracking table for https://github.com/xanzy/go-cloudstack/graphs/contributors:

Contributor ICLA or contributor agreed over email/github? Contact Remarks
@svanharmelen ICLA + grants OK sander@vanharmelen.nl Major contributor/author and repo owner
@benjvi No objections in comments 9 commits
@cezarsa No objection received on PMC ML 3 commits
@nettoclaudio ? 3 commits
@jalemieux ? 3 commits
@ustcweizhou Yes ACS PMC member and comment on this issue 2 commits
@pdube ? 1 commits
@Ovear No objections in comments 1 commits
@dcarbone No objections in comments 1 commits
@glenjamin No objections in comments 1 commits
@ryhamz ? 1 commits
@andrestc ? 1 commits

@rhtyd I am OK with it.

Apologies to all the contributors tagged on this ticket. The Apache CloudStack project has voted and agreed to further lead the development, maintenance and releases of the Terraform provider and the Go SDK codebases: https://markmail.org/message/g4prb25g7wakbifa

Following advice from general@ incubator I've started this issue to track IP clearance for the same. The thread can be referred here: https://markmail.org/message/uiot3qhuf7to2twz

We've been advised and we should attempt to get agreement from all contributors request them to submit ICLA (see https://www.apache.org/licenses/contributor-agreements.html) to secretary@ ASF, or have some document to demonstrate agreement was gathered from contributors. We understand that may be asking too much a simple github comment or email to ACS PMC - private@cloudstack.apache.org may also be fine.

If you agree with the initiative and codebase donation to Apache CloudStack project, you may kindly drop a comment on this issue with something like "Fine with me"; and/or you may submit ICLA (signed & scanned pdf) to secretary@apache.org.

I'll keep the issue open for your approval/objection until end of Monday 28th June 2021. On/after 29th June 2021 Tuesday, I request our volunteer IP clearance officer and ASF member @PaulAngus to start the voting thread on general@ as per the process on https://incubator.apache.org/ip-clearance/ip-clearance-template.html#process after due diligence.

Thanks all.

Could you expand on what this means in practice? What are we agreeing to exactly? What would happen if we didn't agree?

I don't expect I would have any objections, but it's extremely unclear to me from this comment what transfer of what rights would be taking place if I stated agreement.

@glenjamin we are asking if you and the other contributors agree to the Terraform codebase being re-licensed and donated to the Apache CloudStack project under the opensource APLv2 (https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0). That's all.

TBH I don't know what should happen on any disagreements. In practice, I would see this as a mere formality as Sander the original author and owner of the repository has already submitted ICLA and his software grants to the ASF. I thought that was enough but folks on the mailing lists suggested we should make an attempt to ask all/major contributors to the codebases being donated.

The background of the initiative is that the Terraform provider was archived and no longer maintained/released, and the ACS project/community (who effectively are the users of the projects with CloudStack) want to go forward with this initiative for users and contributors to continue to develop, maintain and release (a) under the APLv2 license and (b) by the wider Apache CloudStack community. I'm not a legal expert but from what I understand as a layperson moving anything to Apache license would no longer require modifications to be shared. I'm not sure what conditions were/are applicable with the previous license.

Hope this helps.

Edit - the terms are stated in ICLA, the individual contributor license agreement, can be referenced here https://www.apache.org/licenses/icla.pdf

Happy to help out if I can. I'm already an Apache committer (Jackrabbit) with id "schans" and the ASF already has my ICLA.

I have no objections. Do you want me to mail that formally to the PMC ML? Or is here fine as well?


Thanks @schans I'll leave it to you, here should be fine as an ASF contributor/committer you would have already submitted your ICLA.

Cool. Hereby my office "No objection". Submitted my ICLA in 2011 ;-)

Ah ok. As far as I can tell go-cloudstack was already Apache 2 licensed, but sure - no objections from me.

hany commented

No objections from me.

None from me either

greut commented

Fine by me, no objecttions

ceh commented

Fine with me.

Ovear commented

That's cool, Fine with me.

fine with me.

Thanks all for your support, no one has objected to the initiative so we'll proceed with the IP clearance process this/next week cc @PaulAngus.

Thanks to all involved for your help, assistance, and patience.