
Allow asterisks in comments

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Once the parser passes a /* token, it proceeds to search for a */ token, throwing a SyntaxError as soon as it encounter an asterisk not immediately followed by a slash. Comments can contain asterisks though. Many of these comments in project files are autogenerated, for example based on a file name which could have an asterisk in it.

Could the parser ignore * characters between /* and */, continuing its search without issue until it finds the closing */?

To reproduce the below, call the parser on any (file containing a) line such as /* Upload *.dSYM to Firebase */:

{ [SyntaxError: Expected "*/" or [^*] but "*" found.
  message: 'Expected "*/" or [^*] but "*" found.',
   [ { type: 'class',
       parts: [Array],
       inverted: true,
       ignoreCase: false },
     { type: 'literal', text: '*/', ignoreCase: false },
     { type: 'class',
       parts: [Array],
       inverted: true,
       ignoreCase: false },
     { type: 'literal', text: '*/', ignoreCase: false } ],
  found: '*',
   { start: { offset: 697, line: 13, column: 35 },
     end: { offset: 698, line: 13, column: 36 } },
  name: 'SyntaxError' }