
[Bug] hubble 前端界面无法通过按钮添加 Vertex,已添加的 Vertex 无法编辑 property hugegraph/hubble cannot add node using 'button' in the UI when graph is empty

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Bug Type (问题类型)

dashboard render (前端渲染问题)

Before submit

  • I had searched in the issues and found no similar issues.

Environment (环境信息)

  • Server Version: v1.0.0:latest [Docker]
  • Hubble Version: v1.6.0:latest [Docker]
  • Data Size: 2 vertices, 1 edges

Expected & Actual behavior (期望与实际表现)

As shown in pictures

  1. when graph is empty (no vertex and edge), cannot using 'button' in the UI to add vertex
  2. If vertex added without define some key-value (in picture's case the description)
    then it cannot be edited after


Vertex/Edge example (问题点 / 边数据举例)

No response

Schema [VertexLabel, EdgeLabel, IndexLabel] (元数据结构)

# vertexlabels
    "vertexlabels": [
            "id": 2,
            "name": "person",
            "id_strategy": "PRIMARY_KEY",
            "primary_keys": [
            "nullable_keys": [
            "index_labels": [],
            "properties": [
            "status": "CREATED",
            "ttl": 0,
            "enable_label_index": false,
            "user_data": {
                "~create_time": 1688625023126,
                "~style": "{\"icon\":\"\",\"color\":\"#5c73e6\",\"size\":\"NORMAL\",\"display_fields\":[\"~id\"],\"join_symbols\":[\"-\"]}"

# edgelabels
    "edgelabels": [
            "id": 2,
            "name": "friend",
            "source_label": "person",
            "target_label": "person",
            "frequency": "SINGLE",
            "sort_keys": [],
            "nullable_keys": [
            "index_labels": [],
            "properties": [
            "status": "CREATED",
            "ttl": 0,
            "enable_label_index": false,
            "user_data": {
                "~create_time": 1688625045042,
                "~style": "{\"color\":\"#5c73e6\",\"with_arrow\":true,\"line_type\":\"SOLID\",\"thickness\":\"NORMAL\",\"display_fields\":[\"~id\"],\"join_symbols\":[\"-\"]}"

@DoodleBears u could paste the picture to github directly, thanks

@lionztt @wanganjuan could u take a look for it

@DoodleBears u could paste the picture to github directly, thanks

@lionztt @wanganjuan could u take a look for it

Just uploaded two pictures.

As shown in pictures

  1. when graph is empty (no vertex and edge), cannot using 'button' in the UI to add vertex
  2. If vertex added without define some key-value (in picture's case the description)
    then it cannot be edited after

ok, let me take a look at the problem