Drools is a rule engine, DMN engine and complex event processing (CEP) engine for Java.
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Apache RAT check misses drools-model
#6265 opened - 1
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ArithmeticException: Non-terminating decimal expansion with non-executable model after jitting
#6249 opened - 2
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xstream 1.4.20 in drools 10.0.0 affected by CVE
#6247 opened - 2
Property reactivity doesn't react to super class properties overridden by sub class getter
#6246 opened - 5
Rule execution inconsistency when a subclass overrides a getter (unexpected null property evaluation)
#6243 opened - 3
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Review and update EmbeddedStorageManagerTest
#6239 opened - 1
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Review annotationChunk in DRL10Parser.g4
#6237 opened - 0
Support rule attributes in RuleUnit DSL
#6235 opened - 6
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Question about ecj support
#6227 opened - 0
Create migration tools for dropped DRL syntax
#6224 opened - 1
Gradual introduction of New Antlr4 Parser
#6221 opened - 3
Slim down DRL syntax with New Antlr4 Parser
#6220 opened - 1
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Test not working in maven archetype
#6214 opened - 2
drools-tms issue when building kjar
#6212 opened - 3
Drools 7.59.0 Migration to Drools 10.0.0
#6206 opened - 2
Review drools-examples and drools-examples-api
#6205 opened - 1
Adjust docs for 10.0.0
#6203 opened - 2
Clean up quartz related docs
#6199 opened - 3
RuleUnit Running Rule From Different Rule Unit
#6197 opened - 5
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Too Many Arguments/Bindings
#6193 opened - 6
Some tests failing in incremental compilation
#6190 opened - 2
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Sequential Logic
#6182 opened - 1