- 0
- 2
Scala 3 symbol ordering issue
#1471 opened by raboof - 0
- 6
EventSourcedBehavior/Durable State exposed to stack overflow when lots of read-only commands are in the stash
#1327 opened by JacobF7 - 4
Add FutureTimeoutSupport#timeout support
#1359 opened by He-Pin - 0
Incorrect OSGi metadata for Pekko 1.1.x artifacts
#1479 opened by oheger - 11
Cluster sharding delivers message to the wrong entity
#1463 opened by jchapuis - 4
- 2
jdk9 tests do not run
#1433 opened by pjfanning - 0
- 0
Feature Request: Add Flow#transform method?
#1453 opened by He-Pin - 0
Support just warning instead of error when `pekko.scheduler.tick-duration` < 10ms on Windows?
#1364 opened by He-Pin - 10
- 0
Feature: backoff for Pattern#retry
#1435 opened by Roiocam - 0
Attribute overriding in `SourceQueueWithComplete`
#1426 opened by petervecera-jr - 3
Deprecate `org.apache.pekko.dispatch.Futures`
#1417 opened by raboof - 9
- 1
review Jackson 2.17 when issues are resolved
#1202 opened by pjfanning - 3
- 2
Add Flow#onBackpressureDrop() operator
#1363 opened by He-Pin - 2
long running tests should be run in a nightly build
#1400 opened by pjfanning - 0
With entity passivation enabled the shard region will cause a lot of unhandled ShardsUpdated during shutdown
#1341 opened by nvollmar - 0
Feature request: Add BoundedSourceQueue#isComplete method
#1356 opened by He-Pin - 0
Add UntypedAbstractActorWithTimers
#1360 opened by He-Pin - 2
double "a" appearing in tutorial
#1357 opened by xelbes - 1
Reproducible Scala 3 artifacts
#1334 opened by raboof - 2
handle the case where `DeviceTerminated.groupId` may not match the `DeviceGroup.groupId`
#1311 opened by Ghurtchu - 3
add doc changes for DurableState deleteObject
#1298 opened by pjfanning - 5
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException pekko migration
#1325 opened by pro-kaushal - 5
- 3
Feature request: Add Source#generate and iteratee methods.
#1189 opened by He-Pin - 0
Move link validator to nightly/weekly job
#1309 opened by raboof - 0
[Feature] Utility class used for creating Actor.
#1301 opened by Roiocam - 0
Links validation job fails due to broken javadoc link
#1291 opened by c00ler - 3
add scala predicate support for retries
#1289 opened by pjfanning - 3
Mark some internal sealed trait @DoNotInherit
#1270 opened by He-Pin - 1
investigate memory issues in Scala Steward job
#1203 opened by pjfanning - 0
Feature request: Add retry with predicate
#1268 opened by He-Pin - 7
Scala Steward is failing due to heap space issue
#1253 opened by mdedetrich - 4
Feature request: Using SIMD for byte search
#1264 opened by He-Pin - 7
Feature request: Add `Source.multi` method
#1238 opened by He-Pin - 2
failed : mustBeAbleToUseMapWithAutoCloseableResource
#1229 opened by He-Pin - 8
Declare Java 8 support deprecated
#1237 opened by raboof - 5
Genjavadoc plugin doesn't support scala 3.3.x
#1221 opened by He-Pin - 0
Add new deleteObject functions to Persistence API
#1232 opened by pjfanning - 0
failed: RemoveInternalClusterShardingDataSpec
#1228 opened by He-Pin - 2
failed: ClusterActorLoggingSpec
#1227 opened by He-Pin - 2
- 0
- 1
Should we change the default blocking io dispatcher size?
#1213 opened by He-Pin