
[AUTHZ][Improvement] insert into table should check the update privilege for table

liujiayi771 opened this issue · 6 comments

Code of Conduct

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  • I have searched in the issues and found no similar issues.

What would you like to be improved?

Currently, Authz will check the update privilege for the column of the table. I think it is better to check the update privilege for the table.

insert into test values(1);
user [xxx] does not have [update] privilege on [database=testdb/table=test/column=id]

How should we improve?

check the update privilege for the table.

Are you willing to submit PR?

  • Yes. I would be willing to submit a PR with guidance from the Kyuubi community to improve.
  • No. I cannot submit a PR at this time.

Hello @liujiayi771,
Thanks for finding the time to report the issue!
We really appreciate the community's efforts to improve Apache Kyuubi.

Hi @pan3793. How do you think?

cc @yaooqinn, thanks.

sounds reasonable to me, but can we double check other DBs implementations?

@pan3793 I have tested Hive and Trino ranger plugin. They all check the privilege of table when insert into table.


Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: HiveAccessControlException Permission denied: user [ranger] does not have [UPDATE] privilege on [database=testdb/table=test] (state=42000,code=40000)


trino:testdb> insert into test values(1);
Query 20240729_135814_00054_g5bf9 failed: Access Denied: Cannot insert into table test

So I will submit a PR for this change.

Thanks for checking, please go ahead to submit PR to fix it.