
IndexReader GC Performance Issue

Opened this issue · 0 comments

stesee commented

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Describe the bug

After a large number of queries, our solution becomes terribly slow and never recovers. One core remains at 100% load.

The profiler indicates that the issue seems to be in the finalizer of IndexReader.

Expected Behavior

IndexReader should perform reliable

Steps To Reproduce

The issue is reproducible using confidential data and disappears when dropping the finalizer without drawbacks. Please read the recommendations around the usage of finalizers: Understanding When to Use a Finalizer in Your .NET Class. By the way, Dispose(false) seems to interact with managed objects, which could also be contributing to the problem.

Exceptions (if any)

No response

Lucene.NET Version


.NET Version

.net 4.8

Operating System


Anything else?

No response