[CLI] update_branch test fails when system lang is not "english"
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d4rkstar commented
the test update_branch fails on my Ubuntu machine with Italian language.
❯ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy
When i run the test i receive an error caused by the fact that git messages are in italian:
❯ task itest T=update_branch
task: Task "bats" is up to date
task: [itest] rm -Rf ~/.ops/olaris
task: [itest] if test -z "update_branch"
then bats/bin/bats .
else bats/bin/bats update_branch.bats
✗ ops -update on olaris with old commit updates correctly
(from function `assert_line' in file test_helper/bats-assert/src/assert_line.bash, line 232,
in test file update_branch.bats, line 32)
`assert_line --partial "Your branch is behind"' failed
Cloning tasks...
Enumerating objects: 3661, done.
Counting objects: 100% (289/289), done.
Compressing objects: 100% (110/110), done.
Total 3661 (delta 164), reused 271 (delta 158), pack-reused 3372 (from 1)
Tasks downloaded successfully
ensuring prerequisite kubectl 1.30.3
ensuring prerequisite kind 0.17.0
ensuring prerequisite k3sup 0.13.6
ensuring prerequisite coreutils 0.0.27
ensuring prerequisite bun 1.1.21
ensuring prerequisite 7zz 2407
ensuring prerequisite rg 14.1.0
OPS & OPS_CMD: /home/bruno/.local/bin/ops
OPS_VERSION: 0.1.0-2408111626.dev
OPS_BIN: /home/bruno/.ops/linux-amd64/bin
OPS_TMP: /home/bruno/.ops/tmp
OPS_HOME: /home/bruno/.ops
OPS_ROOT: /home/bruno/.ops/0.1.0/olaris
OPS_REPO: http://github.com/apache/openserverless-task
OPS_PWD: /home/bruno/.ops/0.1.0/olaris
OPS_OLARIS: fc5ef7db11a1cc6b952e2ea40e7c1d738c93c09c
OPS_ROOT_PLUGIN: /home/bruno/.ops/0.1.0/olaris
-- no output line contains substring --
substring : Your branch is behind
output (5 lines):
Sul branch 0.1.0
Il tuo branch, rispetto a 'origin/0.1.0', è indietro di 1 commit e ne posso eseguire il fast forward.
(usa "git pull" per aggiornare il tuo branch locale)
non c'è nulla di cui eseguire il commit, l'albero di lavoro è pulito
1 test, 1 failure
task: Failed to run task "itest": exit status 1
The test is ok if i export LANG* to en_US:
❯ export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
❯ export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8
❯ export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
❯ task itest T=update_branch
task: Task "bats" is up to date
task: [itest] rm -Rf ~/.ops/olaris
task: [itest] if test -z "update_branch"
then bats/bin/bats .
else bats/bin/bats update_branch.bats
✓ ops -update on olaris with old commit updates correctly
1 test, 0 failures