
cannot build ruby runtime

rabbah opened this issue · 7 comments

Travis is failing with:

mv: cannot stat 'incubator-openwhisk-runtime-go-golang1.11-1.13.0-incubating': No such file or directory

The command '/bin/sh -c curl -L "$PROXY_SOURCE" | tar xzf -   && mkdir -p src/github.com/apache   && mv incubator-openwhisk-runtime-go-golang1.11-1.13.0-incubating      src/github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk-runtime-go   && cd src/github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk-runtime-go/main   && CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o /bin/proxy' returned a non-zero code: 1

Sat Aug 17 04:40:44 UTC 2019: Command 'docker build -t actionloop-ruby-v2.6 /home/travis/build/apache/openwhisk-runtime-ruby/core/ruby2.6ActionLoop' failed with exitCode 1, no more retries left, aborting...

:core:ruby2.6ActionLoop:distDocker FAILED


Sat Aug 17 04:40:44 UTC 2019: Executing 'docker tag actionloop-ruby-v2.6 whisk/actionloop-ruby-v2.6:latest'

Error response from daemon: No such image: actionloop-ruby-v2.6:latest

Sat Aug 17 04:40:44 UTC 2019: Command 'docker tag actionloop-ruby-v2.6 whisk/actionloop-ruby-v2.6:latest' failed with exitCode 1, 2 retries left, retrying...

Sat Aug 17 04:40:44 UTC 2019: Executing 'docker tag actionloop-ruby-v2.6 whisk/actionloop-ruby-v2.6:latest'

Error response from daemon: No such image: actionloop-ruby-v2.6:latest

Sat Aug 17 04:40:44 UTC 2019: Command 'docker tag actionloop-ruby-v2.6 whisk/actionloop-ruby-v2.6:latest' failed with exitCode 1, 1 retries left, retrying...

Sat Aug 17 04:40:44 UTC 2019: Executing 'docker tag actionloop-ruby-v2.6 whisk/actionloop-ruby-v2.6:latest'

Error response from daemon: No such image: actionloop-ruby-v2.6:latest

Sat Aug 17 04:40:44 UTC 2019: Command 'docker tag actionloop-ruby-v2.6 whisk/actionloop-ruby-v2.6:latest' failed with exitCode 1, no more retries left, aborting...

:core:ruby2.6ActionLoop:tagImage FAILED

@sciabarracom do you know how to fix this?

Yes I mentioned on the mailing list this problem, we need a new release of the sources of the go-runtime with action loop. In the meanwhile I can work around building straight from git. I prepare a PR for this.

check PR#33

Hm the build now it is failing for a reason related to akka.

Detected possible incompatible versions on the classpath. Please note that a given Akka version MUST be the same across all modules of Akka that you are using, e.g. if you use [2.5.22] all other modules that are released together MUST be of the same version. Make sure you're using a compatible set of libraries. Possibly conflicting versions [2.5.3, 2.5.22, 2.5.7] in libraries [akka-cluster-metrics:2.5.3, akka-protobuf:2.5.22, akka-actor:2.5.22, akka-slf4j:2.5.22, akka-remote:2.5.7, akka-cluster:2.5.7, akka-distributed-data:2.5.3, akka-stream:2.5.22, akka-stream-testkit:2.5.22, akka-cluster-tools:2.5.3]

Can you suggest a fix?

I thought I got a successful build in #30 that fixed this. Been on vacation. I will take a look once I'm unburied...

I don't know how these tests passed in the past - the stdout sentinel is currently only emitted when the server is shutdown and so all the tests which check for the stdout sentinel fail.

The github settings for this repo are not right; allowing merges without successful travis runs. Guess we should not ask infra to fix that until we actually can get a clean run though..

Yep I noticed and was using it to our advantage right now.