
Search doesn't include the documentation produced by the other repositories

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The search functionality relies on the search_index.json file for indexing the content. Since the site is separate from the paradox docs of each repo, The search_index.json of the hompage does have the whole content indexed.

As result, the search only works when you use docs in the right area - the search data is built by all our different doc builds and each repo has its own doc build

https://pekko.apache.org/docs/pekko/current/ has the docs for https://github.com/apache/incubator-pekko
https://pekko.apache.org/docs/pekko-http/current/ has the docs for https://github.com/apache/incubator-pekko-http
So the search in https://pekko.apache.org/docs/pekko/current/ will support searching for actor and stream, etc.

See also: #74

截屏2024-02-27 10 40 40

The link path of the search results also seems to be somewhat incorrect. It contains two /
