[Bug] [k8s_Deploy] The client submits tasks and the home directory of the cluster must be consistent??
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- I had searched in the issues and found no similar issues.
What happened
客户端提交任务到集群,报错 source 的connector 的jar 包 class not found
When the client submits a task to the cluster, an error message is displayed: 【com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.HazelcastSerializatcionException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: orgg.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.feishu.source.Feishusource】
由于启动的 client 的 SEATUNNEL_HOME 目录是本地的,然后本地启动cluster,提交成功!
Since the SEATUNNEL_HOME directory of the started client is local, and then the cluster is started locally, the submission is successful!
最后发现原因是client提交的任务,SEATUNNEL_HOME 是需要与 cluster 中的保持一致。
Finally, I found that the reason was the task submitted by the client. SEATUNNEL_HOME needs to be consistent with that in the cluster.
除了使用 REST 提交,有没有任何可以解决的办法呢?
Is there any solution besides using REST submission?
SeaTunnel Version
SeaTunnel Config
env {
job.mode = "BATCH"
parallelism = 1
source {
Feishu {
url = "https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis"
appId = "xxxxx"
appSecret = "xxxxx"
nodeToken = "xxxxx"
tableId = "xxxxx"
format = "json"
pageing = {
page_field = "page_token"
batch_size = "200"
transform {
sink {
Console {
Running Command
ClientJobExecutionEnvironment jobExecutionEnv = seaTunnelClient.createExecutionContext(filePath, jobConfig, seaTunnelConfig);
ClientJobProxy clientJobProxy = jobExecutionEnv.execute();
Error Exception
com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.HazelcastSerializatcionException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: orgg.apache.seatunnel.connectors.seatunnel.feishu.source.Feishusource
Zeta or Flink or Spark Version
Java or Scala Version
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