Bogus safety violation checking if a set is a subset of Nat
lemmy opened this issue · 8 comments
Bogus counterexample claiming that {42} \in SUBSET Nat
is false.
Input specification
------------------------- MODULE APASubRec ------------------------------
EXTENDS Integers
\* @type: Set(Int);
TypeOK ==
v \in SUBSET Nat \* No bogus counterexample if {42} or Int is substituted for Nat.
Init ==
v = {42}
Next ==
The command line parameters used to run the tool
apalache-mc check --init=Init --next=Next --inv=TypeOK APASubRec.tla
Apalache output
-> % apalache-0.44.11/bin/apalache-mc check --init=Init --next=Next --inv=TypeOK APASubRec.tla
/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu11.54.25-ca-jdk11.0.14.1-macosx_x64/bin/java -javaagent:/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA IDEA -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath /Users/markus/src/TLA/_community/apalache/mod-tool/target/scala-2.13/classes:/Users/markus/src/TLA/_community/apalache/mod-infra/target/scala-2.13/classes:/Users/markus/src/TLA/_community/apalache/passes/target/scala-2.13/classes:/Users/markus/src/TLA/_community/apalache/shai/target/scala-2.13/classes:/Users/markus/src/TLA/_community/apalache/tla-assignments/target/scala-2.13/classes:/Users/markus/src/TLA/_community/apalache/tla-bmcmt/target/scala-2.13/classes:/Users/markus/src/TLA/_community/apalache/tla-io/target/scala-2.13/classes:/Users/markus/src/TLA/_community/apalache/tla-pp/target/scala-2.13/classes:/Users/markus/src/TLA/_community/apalache/tla-typechecker/target/scala-2.13/classes:/Users/markus/src/TLA/_community/apalache/tlair/target/scala-2.13/classes:/Users/markus/Library/Caches/Coursier/v1/https/ at.forsyte.apalache.tla.Tool --debug check --inv=TypeOK APASubRec.tla
15:01:07.729 [main] INFO at.forsyte.apalache.tla.tooling.opt.CheckCmd -- Loading configuration
15:01:07.802 [main] INFO at.forsyte.apalache.tla.tooling.opt.CheckCmd -- > TLC config file found in specification directory. To enable it, pass --config=APASubRec.cfg.
# Usage statistics is ON. Thank you!
# If you have changed your mind, disable the statistics with config --enable-stats=false.
Output directory: /Users/markus/src/TLA/_community/apalache/_apalache-out/APASubRec.tla/2024-08-21T15-01-08_9395642115140218839
# APALACHE version: v0.45.3-2-g74d01ede9 | build: v0.45.3-2-g74d01ede9 I@15:01:08.526
Tuning: search.outputTraces=false I@15:01:08.639
PASS #0: SanyParser I@15:01:09.399
Not running from fat JAR and APALACHE_HOME is not set; W@15:01:09.406
will not be able to find the Apalache standard library. W@15:01:09.407
Parsing file /Users/markus/src/TLA/_community/apalache/APASubRec.tla
Parsing file /private/var/folders/7d/4x6z2cc91jl588ysynlc1tfc0000gn/T/Integers.tla
Parsing file /private/var/folders/7d/4x6z2cc91jl588ysynlc1tfc0000gn/T/Naturals.tla
PASS #1: TypeCheckerSnowcat I@15:01:10.132
> Running Snowcat .::. I@15:01:10.133
> Your types are purrfect! I@15:01:10.324
> All expressions are typed I@15:01:10.324
PASS #2: ConfigurationPass I@15:01:10.326
> Set the initialization predicate to Init I@15:01:10.335
> Set the transition predicate to Next I@15:01:10.336
> Set an invariant to TypeOK I@15:01:10.336
PASS #3: DesugarerPass I@15:01:10.342
> Desugaring... I@15:01:10.343
PASS #4: InlinePass I@15:01:10.368
Leaving only relevant operators: CInitPrimed, Init, InitPrimed, Next, TypeOK I@15:01:10.369
PASS #5: TemporalPass I@15:01:10.392
> Rewriting temporal operators... I@15:01:10.392
> No temporal property specified, nothing to encode I@15:01:10.392
PASS #6: InlinePass I@15:01:10.393
Leaving only relevant operators: CInitPrimed, Init, InitPrimed, Next, TypeOK I@15:01:10.393
PASS #7: PrimingPass I@15:01:10.399
> Introducing InitPrimed for Init' I@15:01:10.408
PASS #8: VCGen I@15:01:10.908
> Producing verification conditions from the invariant TypeOK I@15:01:10.909
> VCGen produced 1 verification condition(s) I@15:01:10.921
PASS #9: PreprocessingPass I@15:01:10.924
> Before preprocessing: unique renaming I@15:01:10.924
> Applying standard transformations: I@15:01:10.936
> PrimePropagation I@15:01:10.938
> Desugarer I@15:01:10.940
> UniqueRenamer I@15:01:10.941
> Normalizer I@15:01:10.947
> Keramelizer I@15:01:10.951
> After preprocessing: UniqueRenamer I@15:01:10.955
No source location for expr@204: ¬v ∈ SUBSET Nat E@15:01:10.965
PASS #10: TransitionFinderPass I@15:01:10.970
> Found 1 initializing transitions I@15:01:10.992
> Found 1 transitions I@15:01:10.993
> No constant initializer I@15:01:10.993
> Applying unique renaming I@15:01:10.994
PASS #11: OptimizationPass I@15:01:10.997
> Applying optimizations: I@15:01:11.006
> ConstSimplifier I@15:01:11.007
> ExprOptimizer I@15:01:11.009
> SetMembershipSimplifier I@15:01:11.009
> ConstSimplifier I@15:01:11.010
PASS #12: AnalysisPass I@15:01:11.012
> Marking skolemizable existentials and sets to be expanded... I@15:01:11.016
> Skolemization I@15:01:11.017
> Expansion I@15:01:11.018
> Remove unused let-in defs I@15:01:11.019
> Running analyzers... I@15:01:11.021
> Introduced expression grades I@15:01:11.024
PASS #13: BoundedChecker I@15:01:11.024
State 0: Checking 1 state invariants I@15:01:14.039
Check the trace in: /Users/markus/src/TLA/_community/apalache/_apalache-out/APASubRec.tla/2024-08-21T15-01-08_9395642115140218839/violation1.tla, /Users/markus/src/TLA/_community/apalache/_apalache-out/APASubRec.tla/2024-08-21T15-01-08_9395642115140218839/MCviolation1.out, /Users/markus/src/TLA/_community/apalache/_apalache-out/APASubRec.tla/2024-08-21T15-01-08_9395642115140218839/violation1.json, /Users/markus/src/TLA/_community/apalache/_apalache-out/APASubRec.tla/2024-08-21T15-01-08_9395642115140218839/violation1.itf.json I@15:01:14.386
State 0: state invariant 0 violated. I@15:01:14.389
Found 1 error(s) I@15:01:14.396
The outcome is: Error I@15:01:14.399
Checker has found an error I@15:01:14.407
It took me 0 days 0 hours 0 min 5 sec I@15:01:14.407
Total time: 5.859 sec I@15:01:14.407
-> % cat /Users/markus/src/TLA/_specs/MSFT/pbft-tlaplus/_apalache-out/APASubRec.tla/2024-08-17T10-00-12_18056272951489574180/violation1.tla
---------------------------- MODULE counterexample ----------------------------
(* Constant initialization state *)
ConstInit == TRUE
(* Initial state *)
State0 == v = {42}
(* The following formula holds true in the last state and violates the invariant *)
InvariantViolation == ~(v \in SUBSET Nat)
(* Created by Apalache on Sat Aug 17 10:00:14 CEST 2024 *)
(* *)
SMT log
;; fp.spacer.random_seed = 0
;; nlsat.seed = 0
;; sat.random_seed = 0
;; sls.random_seed = 0
;; smt.random_seed = 0
;; (params seed 0 random_seed 0)
;; declare cell($C$0): CellTFrom(Bool)
(declare-const $C$0 Bool)
(assert (= $C$0 false))
;; declare cell($C$1): CellTFrom(Bool)
(declare-const $C$1 Bool)
(assert (= $C$1 true))
;; declare cell($C$2): CellTFrom(Set(Bool))
(declare-sort Cell_Sb 0)
(declare-const $C$2 Cell_Sb)
;; declare cell($C$3): InfSet[CellTFrom(Int)]
(declare-sort Cell_Zi 0)
(declare-const $C$3 Cell_Zi)
;; declare cell($C$4): InfSet[CellTFrom(Int)]
(declare-const $C$4 Cell_Zi)
;; assert ¬$C$0
(assert (not false))
;; assert $C$1
(assert true)
;; declare edge predicate in_b0_Sb2: Bool
(declare-const in_b0_Sb2 Bool)
;; declare edge predicate in_b1_Sb2: Bool
(declare-const in_b1_Sb2 Bool)
;; assert Apalache!StoreInSet($C$0, $C$2)
(assert in_b0_Sb2)
;; assert Apalache!StoreInSet($C$1, $C$2)
(assert in_b1_Sb2)
(push) ;; becomes 1
(push) ;; becomes 2
; ------- STEP: 0, SMT LEVEL: 2 TRANSITION: 0 {
; AssignmentRule(Apalache!:=(v', {42})) {
; SetCtorRule({42}) {
; IntConstRule(42) {
;; declare cell($C$5): CellTFrom(Int)
(declare-const $C$5 Int)
;; assert $C$5 = 42
(assert (= $C$5 42))
; } IntConstRule returns $C$5 [6 arena cells])
;; declare cell($C$6): CellTFrom(Set(Int))
(declare-sort Cell_Si 0)
(declare-const $C$6 Cell_Si)
;; declare edge predicate in_i5_Si6: Bool
(declare-const in_i5_Si6 Bool)
;; assert Apalache!StoreInSet($C$5, $C$6)
(assert in_i5_Si6)
; } SetCtorRule returns $C$6 [7 arena cells])
; } AssignmentRule returns $C$1 [7 arena cells])
(push) ;; becomes 3
;; assert $C$1
(assert true)
(push) ;; becomes 4
; NegRule(¬v ∈ SUBSET Nat) {
; SetInRule(v ∈ SUBSET Nat) {
; SubstRule(v) {
; } SubstRule returns $C$6 [7 arena cells])
; PowSetCtorRule(SUBSET Nat) {
; BuiltinConstRule(Nat) {
; } BuiltinConstRule returns $C$3 [7 arena cells])
;; declare cell($C$7): PowSet[Set(Int)]
(declare-sort Cell_PSi 0)
(declare-const $C$7 Cell_PSi)
; } PowSetCtorRule returns $C$7 [8 arena cells])
;; declare cell($C$8): CellTFrom(Bool)
(declare-const $C$8 Bool)
;; assert $C$8 = ¬(Apalache!SelectInSet($C$5, $C$6))
(assert (= $C$8 (not in_i5_Si6)))
; } SetInRule returns $C$8 [9 arena cells])
;; declare cell($C$9): CellTFrom(Bool)
(declare-const $C$9 Bool)
;; assert ¬$C$9 = $C$8
(assert (= (not $C$9) $C$8))
; } NegRule returns $C$9 [10 arena cells])
;; assert $C$9
(assert $C$9)
(pop 1) ;; becomes 3
Disabling the special handling of SUBSET Int
in the SetMembershipSimplifier by commenting out the SUBSET case results in Apalache also reporting a bogus counterexample for SUBSET Int
. This suggests a bug in handling infinite sets pointing in the direction of PowSetCtorRule.
More observation:
The size of infinite sets like
is 0, which results in them being processed by the same branch that handles the empty set: -
{} \in SUBSET Nat
holds because of -
{42} \subseteq Nat
holds because it is not handled by\A a \in {42}: a \in Nat
by- Rewriting
A \subseteq B
asA \in SUBSET B
(see diff below) triggers the same bug.
- Rewriting
diff --git a/tla-pp/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/pp/Keramelizer.scala b/tla-pp/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/pp/Keramelizer.scala
index 6798860e5..91b1163d5 100644
--- a/tla-pp/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/pp/Keramelizer.scala
+++ b/tla-pp/src/main/scala/at/forsyte/apalache/tla/pp/Keramelizer.scala
@@ -99,11 +99,13 @@ class Keramelizer(gen: UniqueNameGenerator, tracker: TransformationTracker)
// rewrite A \subseteq B
// into \A a \in A: a \in B
case OperEx(TlaSetOper.subseteq, setX, setY) =>
- val elemType = getElemType(setX)
- val tempName = gen.newName()
- tla
- .forall(, setX,, setY).as(BoolT1))
- .as(BoolT1)
+ val elemType = getElemType(setY)
+, tla.powSet(setY).as(elemType)).as(BoolT1)
// rewrite f \in [S -> SUBSET T]
// into DOMAIN f = S /\ \A x \in S: \A y \in f[x]: y \in T
has only limited support of finite sets according to its documentation:
For context: the root cause is
This rewrites SUBSET Nat
, appending a PowSetT(Set(Int))
This ends up taking this branch:
and proceeds as described above in #2948 (comment)
A \subseteq B
asA \in SUBSET B
(see diff below) triggers the same bug.I'd suggest the opposite: add a case in Keramelizer, analogous to
A \subseteq B
@thpani I believe this is in the following commit: 027d4c2. However, it doesn't handle more complex scenarios such as (see #2948 (comment)):
------------------------- MODULE APASubRec ------------------------------
EXTENDS Integers
\* @type: { p: Set(Int) };
TypeOK ==
v \in [ p: SUBSET Nat ] \* No bogus counterexample if Int is substituted for Nat.
Init ==
v = [p |-> {42}]
Next ==
I wonder though why we end up in PowSetCtorRule with Nat in the first place.
@Kukovec @konnov shouldn't we check for that somewhere?
The comment in PowSetT
stating it only handles finite sets indicates that there might be a more fundamental issue?! That said, LazyEquality#subsetEq
could perhaps just branch on right.cellType == InfSetT(CellTFrom(IntT1))
[...] However, it doesn't handle more complex scenarios such as:
------------------------- MODULE APASubRec ------------------------------ EXTENDS Integers VARIABLE \* @type: { p: Set(Int) }; v TypeOK == v \in [ p: SUBSET Nat ] \* Nat \ {0} is also correctly handled. Init == v = [p |-> {42}] Next == UNCHANGED v ====
830caa7 makes Apalache correctly handle this spec.
I wonder though why we end up in PowSetCtorRule with Nat in the first place.
@Kukovec @konnov shouldn't we check for that somewhere?The comment in
stating it only handles finite sets indicates that there might be a more fundamental issue?! That said,LazyEquality#subsetEq
could perhaps just branch onright.cellType == InfSetT(CellTFrom(IntT1))
explicitly invokes LazyEquality
with an infinite set:
It appears that the case statement is not covered by any tests, as removing it doesn't lead to any test failures.