
Fast access to URLs

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi @apankrat,

Great project you've just built!! Really enjoying it!

One use I want to have on this is as a bookmark store/manager.
By saying that I'm wondering if it's possible to have a fast access to a URL pasted just by clicking on it or Ctrl+Clicking or it.


Cheers, thanks for the kind words. Let me see what I can do.

Done. Added two things:

Links will "pulse" on hover and can be opened via the right-click menu. Left-clicking on them will still work as before - it will start the text edit. This is by design, see below.

Pressing CapsLock will highlight links in blue and make them left-clickable.

awesome! thank you!!

Hi @apankrat

Not to bother too much but when the link is too long it get's weird.

I could increase the width but even though.

If we could write it in markdown syntax it would be great :D

Ah, good catch. That's not URL-specific per se. I pushed the patch just now, please check if it resolves the issue.