
Feature Request: Big Board

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi. Kanboard has a plugin that allows you to visualise all your boards on one page appended one after the other.
This means less switching and more time saved.
While the original does not support it, it would be cool to move tasks across boards.

Do you have a screenshot of how it looks in action?

Ripped this off an issue there
!Big Board

So boards are just stack vertically, one after another? I can see how this can be handy for moving items between the boards, but in this particular example it's not hard to arrange all within a single board -


That's not a formal Kanban format, but functionally it's the same.

That's a pretty innovative layout though it kinda removes the whole satisfaction with seeing your Queue slowly shrink :).
I use this to simulate the Bigboard currently which works pretty well in of itself but might get bloated with time hence my request.