
generate boards from Markdown

Opened this issue · 2 comments

First , what a super piece of code , simple and so efficient
I use MD and orgmode for a lot of such things , so my direct idea was to be able to copy paste an MD file content
using hash # as list name, ## as inside list title and - as todo lists
pasting would parse and draw the NB equivalent of the marldown todo list
it would be an easy way to initialize lists from an editor once the structure is ready , OFF it goes pasted into NB and creates the magic !!
here's a sample of one of my lists

This should be easy as the text is stored in raw form for edit and in text/html form for preview. Convert *bold* to <b>bold</b> when the edit stops should give this experience.

yes I'm sure it's a low hanging fruit with a million seeds
it's opens super easy administration and set up of nullboards