
A simple app that gets data from the Twitch API using XHR and JSON-P and only vanillaJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Twitch API using JSONP and pure vanilla javascript

This was to create a simple app without any frameworks and build tools. It only uses pure vanilla plain old javascript objects.

JSONP was used to allow me to request cross-domain data and workaround the same-origin policy.

No UI libraries like bootstrap was used and I used flexbox as much as possible because react-native uses a very close adaptation of it.

There is room for improvements and updates in the app if it were to be deployed to production.

  • minify the javascript.
    • but humans would not be able to read the javascript but the computer would still be able to.
  • minify and put the CSS directly in the head section so it would prevent a network trip.
    • again, humans would not be able to read the css but the computer would still be able to.
  • use base64 for some of the stock images for error messages and have it in-line with the page so it would prevent another network call.


  • This exercise made me appreciate react and react-native in building UI's.
  • After working with the twitch API, I know graphQL would have downloaded much less data then I actually needed.
  • RelayJS handles pagination better and the Twitch api give unpredictable results.
  • Also, I can't wait when all browsers support ES6/2015. String templates and destructuring is so second nature to me now.
  • Opportunities to make functions re-usable and not tightly coupled.
  • Opportunities to make renderRow functions DRY

Change log

  • Add cache to make performance appear better
  • Wrap main.js in IIFE
  • Add loading spinner
    • issue on safari