
Only first 100 tracks are being sorted

apastel opened this issue · 1 comments

Something changed on the YTMusic side and now only the first 100 tracks are being sorted:

[2024-01-23 08:23:57] Processing playlist: Snowboarding
[2024-01-23 08:23:57] 	Playlist: Snowboarding will be shuffled

'Snowboarding' Tracks Shuffled 100%|██████| 100/100 [00:58<00:00, 1.74 tracks/s]

A possible cause could be that the tracks in a playlist are now being paginated in the API, so you have to retrieve each page of 100 tracks.

This will be fixed when this branch is merged: https://github.com/apastel/ytmusic-deleter/tree/upgrade-ytmusicapi