
Add automated testing fault reporting vector stream I/O driver

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Add automated testing fault reporting vector stream I/O driver.

  • libraries/microlibrary/ANY/DEVELOPMENT_ENVIRONMENT/include/microlibrary/testing/automated/stream.h/libraries/microlibrary/ANY/DEVELOPMENT_ENVIRONMENT/source/microlibrary/testing/automated/stream.cc (update)
    • Add ::microlibrary::Testing::Automated::Fault_Reporting_Vector_Stream_IO_Driver class
  • The ::microlibrary::Testing::Automated::Fault_Reporting_Vector_Stream_IO_Driver class should have the following template parameters:
    • typename T: The vector element type
  • The ::microlibrary::Testing::Automated::Fault_Reporting_Vector_Stream_IO_Driver class should publicly inherit from the ::microlibrary::Fault_Reporting_Stream_IO_Driver class
  • The ::microlibrary::Testing::Automated::Fault_Reporting_Vector_Stream_IO_Driver class should be final
  • The ::microlibrary::Testing::Automated::Fault_Reporting_Vector_Stream_IO_Driver class should support the following operations:
    • Fault_Reporting_Vector_Stream_IO_Driver();
    • ~Fault_Reporting_Vector_Stream_IO_Driver() noexcept;
    • auto vector() const noexcept -> std::vector<T> const &;: Get the vector that is wrapped by the stream I/O driver
    • auto put( char character ) noexcept -> Result<void> override final;: Write a character to the vector
    • auto put( std::uint8_t data ) noexcept -> Result<void> override final;: Write data to the vector
    • auto flush() noexcept -> Result<void> override final;: Do nothing