
Use Terraform and Ansible to deploy a distributed Jenkins CI/CD pipeline and put it behind one of the company's DNS domains for testing.

Primary LanguageHCL


Use Terraform and Ansible to deploy a distributed Jenkins CI/CD pipeline and put it behind one of the company's DNS domains for testing.

Setup Requirements

1. Terraform binary => 0.12.x # wget -c https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.12.28/terraform_0.12.28_linux_amd64.zip
2. Python3 & PIP needs to be installed on all nodes(on most , modern Linux systems it's available by default) # yum -y install python3-pip
3. Ansible (install via pip) # pip3 install ansible --user
4. AWS CLI (install via pip) # pip3 install awscli --user 
5. jq (install via package manager) - OPTIONAL # yum -y install jq

This project has been tested on MacOS(Mojave), CentOS7. Author provides no guarantees for working with other OS's, although the steps are generic enough that with little tweaking or even with no tweaking this might work on a range of OS's which support above 5 requirments.

Notes and Instructions

For Terraform Part

The regional AWS providers are defined in providers.tf
Terraform configuration and backend is defined in backend.tf.

If you want to read and understand the deployment in sequence. Read through templates in the following order:
1. network_setup.tf
2. instances.tf --> local-exec provisioners in this templates kick-off Ansible playbooks in ansible_templates/
3. alb_acm.tf
4. dns.tf

S3 Backend

This project requires an S3 backend for storing Terraform state file, therefore in the terraform block in the backend.tf file you'll need to plug in the an actual bucket name before you can run "terraform init".
Please also note that the "terraform" block does not allow usage of variables so values HAVE to be hardcoded.

Sample command for bucket creation via CLI:

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <YOUR-UNIQUE-BUCKET-NAME-GOES-HERE>


aws s3api create-bucket --bucket myawesomebucketthatmayormaynotexistalready

Supplementary files

1. ansible.cfg #A modified Ansible default config file with SSH host key checking and warnings disabled
2. aws_get_cp_hostedzone #An AWS CLI command for fetching your hosted zone for DNS part of this project
3. null_provisioners.tf #For setting up and deleting Ansible inventory files 
4. variables.tf #Defines variables and default values for them for the TF templates
5. outputs.tf #Defines the outputs presented at successful completion of execution of TF apply.

Ansible playbooks

1. cred-privkey.j2 #Jinja template for creating Jenkins credentials via Jenkins API call(populates private key)
2. install_jenkins.yaml #Playbook for Jenkins Master
3. install_worker.yaml #Playbook for Jenkins Worker
4. node.j2 #Jinja templates for registering worker node with Jenkins Master via Jenkins CLI(populates IP)
5. jenkins_auth #Provides the file with preset credentials for our Jenkins Master