Store service ticket in sql database support?
satnamsarai opened this issue · 5 comments
satnamsarai commented
Store service ticket in sql database support?
satnamsarai commented
Allow to save service tickets to database I.e sql
phantomtypist commented
This is pretty much what issue #61 is about. I have updated the issue to reflect SQL Server.
satnamsarai commented
Great. Thanks
TheHokieCoder commented
@satnamsarai I was interested in this for one of my own projects, so I will keep you in mind as I help develop a solution that supports, in my case, a Microsoft SQL Server database. Comment on issue #61 with any requirements or feature requests that you might have and make sure to specify that it applies to a SQL DB backend.
phantomtypist commented
@satnamsarai to add to what @TheHokieCoder said, if I made the wrong assumption about SQL Server and you instead meant MySQL, Postgres, etc... please clarify that for us in a comment on issue #61.